
tóu zī dài kuǎn
  • credit for investment
  1. 随着时间推移,投资贷款的性质已发生变化。

    The nature of investment operations has changed over time .

  2. 新版《项目调整和国际开发协会贷款取消指南》也已草拟完毕。投资贷款体制改革的一项重要内容是与各利益相关方进行磋商。

    New Project Restructuring and IDA Cancellation Guidelines have also been drafted .

  3. 这银行业者在不景气时冻结投资贷款。

    The banker freezed investment loans during a depression .

  4. 该文件明确了拟修订投资贷款框架的理由。

    That note set out the rationale for a proposed revision of the IL framework .

  5. 投资贷款体制改革与世行其他计划

    IL Reform and other Bank Initiatives

  6. 改革也将针对国际开发协会控制措施审查发现的投资贷款程序存在的薄弱环节。

    IL reform will also address the weaknesses of the IL process identified in the IDA Controls Review .

  7. 投资贷款改革将更加注重成效,加快交付速度,加强风险管理。

    Investment lending reform that will improve the focus on results , increase speed and delivery , and strengthened risk management .

  8. 为迅速响应项目、按风险级别划分的投资贷款项目和基于成果的投资贷款项目提供支持,以此整合各种投资贷款方案,实现方案合理化;

    Consolidating and rationalizing the menu of IL options by providing rapid response projects , IL projects differentiated by risk and results-based IL ;

  9. 重点改善实效议程、权力下方、性别平等、投资贷款改革和人力资源等方面的发展效益;

    Improving development effectiveness , with a focus on the results agenda , decentralization , gender , investment lending reform , and human resources ;

  10. 过去二十年来,投资贷款占世行贷款总额的比重平均达到75-80%。

    During the past two decades , investment operations have , on average , accounted for75 percent to80 percent of the Bank 's portfolio .

  11. 提出具有VaR约束和存在无风险投资或贷款的证券组合优化模型。

    Present a portfolio model under constraints of both VaR and free-risk investment or free-risk loan .

  12. 后一项指控在今天听来着实空洞,因为在冒险投资抵押贷款支持证券方面判断失误,已经导致花旗和美林(merrill)等银行出现数十亿美元亏损。

    The latter charge rings rather hollow these days as banks such as Citi and Merrill nurse billions of dollars in losses from ill-judged risk-taking on mortgage-backed securities .

  13. 举例来说,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在财报中表示,如果它在巴西的投资和贷款全都失败,损失将达到46亿美元,在中国损失30亿美元。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , for instance , says in its financial statements it could lose as much as $ 4.6 billion if all its bets and loans in Brazil went bad , and another $ 3 billion in China .

  14. 对冲美国股票波动性(以芝加哥期权交易所Vix指数衡量)和美国投资级贷款违约的成本,目前恢复到了12个月前的水平。

    Over the past 12 months , the cost of insuring against volatility in US stocks ( as measured by the CBOE 's Vix index ) and against default by US investment-grade credits , is unchanged .

  15. 二是可以吸引和争取更多的投资和贷款;

    We can attract and obtain more investment and loans ;

  16. 投资与贷款利率存在明显的正相关关系;

    The distinct positive correlation between investment and the interest rate of loans ;

  17. 公路工程建设项目投资估算贷款计算方法探讨

    Discussion on the calculation method of investment estimate loan of highway construction project

  18. 从该模型中,不仅能求得实际投资和贷款额,而且可进一步计算出所使用贷款在各种资产投资中的最优配置。

    It also provides the optimal allocation of the investment and the mortgage credit .

  19. 同时,它对贫困国家的直接投资、贷款和援助在猛增,特别是在资源丰富的非洲。

    Meanwhile , its direct investment , loans and aid to poorer countries soar , especially in resources-rich Africa .

  20. 保诚诞生于1848年。当时叫保诚共同保险、投资和贷款协会,地处伦敦。

    Prudential was founded in 1848 , as the Prudential Mutual Assurance , Investment and Loan Association in London .

  21. 基于固定利率和等额分期付款方式,返回一项投资或贷款的期数

    Returns the number of periods for an investment based on periodic , constant payments and a constant interest rate

  22. 去年11月以来公布的约190亿美元投资和贷款协议中,有80亿美元是和乌克兰签署的。

    Of the estimated $ 19bn in investments and loans announced since November , $ 8bn was destined for Ukraine .

  23. 裁员或许也是萨博获得欧洲投资银行贷款的必要措施,它是上个月向该行提出贷款申请的。

    The job cuts may also be necessary to get its own EIB loan , which the company applied for last month .

  24. 欧盟的区域援助主要是通过结构基金、聚合基金、欧洲投资银行贷款和共同农业政策等来实施的。

    Regional aids in European Union are carried out though Structural Fund , Cohesion Fund , European Investment Bank and the Common Policy .

  25. 个人投资经营贷款风险防范和控制初探&以中国银行湖南省分行为例

    Discussion on the risk prevention and controlling of personal business and investment loan & taking Hunan branch of the bank of China as an example

  26. 能源专家说,其中一个原因是中国在投标的同时,还向拥有石油资产的国家表示愿意提供援助、投资和贷款。

    Energy experts say this is partly because China 's bids are backed by offers of aid , investment and loans to countries with oil assets .

  27. 中央银行颁布了一个范围更广的“社会融资”方案,其中包括公司债券和一些重组的“信托”投资公司贷款。

    The central bank publishes a broader measure of " social financing ", which includes corporate bonds and some loans repackaged by " trust " companies .

  28. 财政支持中小企业创新的主要方式有直接支持、创业投资、贷款担保、风险资本投入和税收优惠等。

    The main ways of financial support to innovation of SMEs include direct support , venture capital , loan guarantees , venture capital investment and tax preferences .

  29. 银行的确会在财报中按国别披露可能会有多少的投资或贷款损失。

    Banks do disclose in the notes to their financial statements how much money they could lose , either because of investment or loans , by country .

  30. 其高管承认,当时他们并不知道自己的判断是正确的,并表示公司的某些部门仍在继续销售和投资抵押贷款相关证券。

    Its executives admit they did not know they were making the right call and say parts of the group kept on selling and investing in mortgage-related securities .