
  1. 大量民营企业夭折的主要原因在于缺乏科学的投资管理过程。

    The main reason that a large number of nongovernmental enterprises die young lies in lacking scientific investment management .

  2. 论文对风险投资管理过程中的管理波动现象和管理危机现象的成因、形式及演化规律作了深入分析。

    This dissertation makes a deep analysis on the factors , forms and developing laws of the management fluctuation phenomena and management crisis phenomena in the venture capital process .

  3. 论文通过利益相关者分析,指出国家级森林公园投资管理过程实质上是政府与投资运营商之间进行的不完全信息动态博弈过程。

    Analysis by stakeholder theory , we think that the national forest park investment management is a game process , which includes two main players , and the game process is a dynamic game with incomplete information .

  4. 第二章是开放式基金投资管理过程分析,介绍了开放式基金的相关概念以及投资管理过程中各参与人的权利义务关系和他们之间的博弈关系;

    The second chapter analysis the process of the open-end funds investment , introducing the correlative concept of the open-end funds and the rights and the duty of the participator , also researching the game relations of the three participators ;

  5. 第四章通过案例研究阐明电信企业项目投资管理过程四个关键阶段的工作思路和方法,为完善电信企业现行投资管理模式提供了可行的改进建议和思路。

    The fourth chapter through case studies clarify telecom operator project investment management process four key stages of the thoughts and methods , to improve current investment management mode of telecom operator , this paper provides a feasible improvement suggestions and ideas .

  6. 本文分析了风险投资管理过程中代理风险的产生原因,提出了加强后续管理、增加信息透明度等防范代理风险的方法。

    The paper provides some methods of the guarding against the risk from agent for the venture investment , such as enhancing the subsequent management or adding the information transparency , by analyzing the causation for the risk from agent for the venture investment management .

  7. 分析了投资组合管理过程,针对大规模投资组合管理的需求,提出了一个基于Multi-Agent的投资组合管理系统(MAS-PMS)的体系框架,并对该系统的功能进行了功能设计。

    A portfolio management process is firstly analyzed . Then , according to the large-scale portfolio need , a portfolio management system based on multi-agent system ( MAS-PMS ) is put forward , and the major function of the portfolio management system is designed .

  8. 现今我拥有项目和投资组合管理过程吗?

    Do I have any project and portfolio management processes today ?

  9. 是否我打算获得执行者的支持,用以遵从投资组合管理过程?

    Am I going to get executive support to follow at portfolio management process ?

  10. 流动性作为金融资产的三大属性之一,体现并作用于组合投资管理整个过程中。

    As one of three attributes of financial products , liquidity reflects and effects on the whole process of portfolio investment management .

  11. 风险的投资以及管理过程的基本结构是一个强烈的目标,并且是一个源于过程稳定的受关注的规则之一,被称为是商业的脊梁。

    The underlying fabric of the investment and risk management process is one of strong purpose and focused discipline resulting in a consistent process which is the backbone of the business .

  12. 在企业中优化IT治理过程,强大的IT投资组合管理过程用于确保目前和未来IT投资还是最优的。

    IT governance processes are optimized across the enterprise , and a strong IT portfolio management process is in place to ensure that both current and future IT investments are also optimized .

  13. 因此论文在森林公园数据包络分析的基础上,提出投资管理全过程绩效评价是改善我国投资管理效率不佳的有效手段。(5)评价指标体系是森林公园投资管理绩效评价的基础。

    Therefore , based on the DEA analysis , we put forward that the performance evaluation is the solution to improve the efficiency . ( 5 ) The evaluating index system is the basic of the national forest park performance evaluation .

  14. 传统的人工造价管理模式已经不能适应国际化发展道路的需要,而且在对建筑工程及其建设项目的投资经营管理过程中,做好建筑工程项目投资预测是管理项目的根本依据。

    The traditional manual cost management model has been unable to meet the needs of international development , and construction projects and construction projects of the investment management process , building the project investment forecast is the fundamental basis of the management project .

  15. 实验室投资项目管理的过程控制及效益评价

    The Process Control and Benefit Appraisal of Laboratory Investment Project Management

  16. 本文分析了基金投资管理的基本过程以及两种基本策略,并在此基础上提出了风险容忍度的概念及估计方法。

    This article analyzes the processes and two strategies of mutual fund , presenting the concept and estimating the method of risk tolerance .

  17. 证券投资组合管理的过程主要包括各项资产风险与收益的评估、投资组合的优化与投资组合业绩的衡量。

    The process of the portfolio management mainly includes the valuating of each property risk and return , the optimization of the portfolio selection , the scaling of the portfolio efficiency .

  18. 其中,在对投资管理方法的研究过程中,论文提出了根据智力资本价值增值过程进行投资方向、力度以及效率管理的思想。

    In the fourth chapter , it elaborates process management methods of circulation management and investment management in detail , and it also puts forward the ideas of engaging in the orientation , dynamics and efficiency of investment of intellectual capital .

  19. 投资项目决策在投资项目管理过程中关系到项目成败与否的关键。

    Project decision is the important step in project management , and it is crucial to the project success .

  20. 其中,投资策略的制定和实施贯穿基金投资管理的全过程,是基金投资管理的核心,它的优劣将直接关系到基金投资管理的成败。

    The investment tactics are cores of the investment management of investment funds .

  21. 我国证券投资基金从2003年才开始重视资产配置在投资组合管理过程中的作用。

    Our security investment fund did not pay more attention to asset allocation until 2003 .

  22. 投资风险不仅存在于投资决策过程,还存在于投资管理过程。

    The stockholder 's investment risks are not only reflected in the investment decision-making process , but also in the project management process .

  23. 现阶段我国风险投资管理面临许多问题,主要体现在投资要素、投资决策、管理过程、整体战略、投资过程和经营的理念等方面。

    Now in our country venture capital management exists some problems . There are payout in funds , investment decision , management process , strategy , investment process and management of the principle .

  24. 证券投资过程可以被看成是对投资对象进行评价、预测和决策的投资管理过程,本文着眼于投资管理,系统地考虑了评价、预测和决策在其中的应用。

    The course of investment securities can be regarded as the investment management of evaluating n predicting and making decision on the target of investment , this text focuses on the management of investment , systematically considered the application of evaluation 、 predict and make policy in it .

  25. 希望以此规范四川省省级政府投资建设工程的管理,并有助于在四川省省级政府投资建设工程管理过程中,制约权力寻租,提高管理效率和水平。

    A best wish that it help the government improving efficiency on managing construction invested by government .

  26. 第三章对喀什电信分公司的项目投资管理现状及存在问题进行了分析,提出了基层电信企业在项目投资管理过程中亟待解决的问题。

    The third chapter of project investment management kashi telecom branch , analyzes the present situation and the existing problems , and puts forward basic telecom operator issues that need to be resolved in the project investment management process .

  27. 探讨股票投资组合管理问题,描述了由5个关键部分组成的股票投资组合管理的基本过程,即投资政策、投资分析、资产配置、投资组合修正和投资组合业绩评估。

    Some problems of the management of stock portfolio are discussed . The basic process of the management of stocks portfolio is described with five key components , i.e. , investment policy , investment analysis , capital collocation , portfolio correction and outstanding achievement evaluation .

  28. 投资基金业绩评价不仅是一种评价投资管理价值的方法,也是一种改进投资管理过程的回馈机制,它是基金业规范、健康发展的一个关键性环节。

    Performance evaluation of funds is not only a method to evaluate the value of investment management but also a feedback mechanism to improve the investment management .

  29. 在对策方法上,基于一般风险管理和成本管理的方法,提出了在国家投资项目上要加强对项目的风险管理和成本管理,同时更要强化国家投资项目管理过程中的现代项目管理理念。

    On the counterplan method , the article puts forward the idea of strengthening the project risk management and cost management of state investment project , furthermore , the idea of intensifying the modern project management in the course of state investment project management is of greater importance .

  30. 我国股票市场在全流通态势下,投资组合管理战略思想要着眼于长期投资战略目标,采用合适的方法来规划投资组合管理的全过程。

    In the all stock circulating situation of china 's stock market , the thought of Portfolio management should be focused on long time investment strategy target and adopt suitable method to program the whole processes of the portfolio management .