
  • 网络Investment industrial structure
  1. 中国投资产业结构的偏差及其调整

    The Deviation and Adjustment of the Chinese Investment Industry Structure

  2. 第三章:“新经济”与中国投资产业结构调整的基本思路。

    Chapter ⅱ: the " New Economy " and Its Enlightenment on the Adjustment of Structure of Investment Industry .

  3. 本文以外商对华直接投资产业结构为研究对象,通过对外商在华投资产业结构现状和特征的描述,揭示了外资产业结构布局存在的主要问题及其生成原因。

    Focusing on the industrial structure of FDI to China , the article reveals chief problems existing there and the causes by describing its present situation and characteristics .

  4. 围绕投资产业结构调整,虽然专门的著作在国内并不多见,但国内经济学家及实际经济工作者,对与之相关的问题却做过许多卓越的、极具启发性的研究。

    Though there are few specific works studying the adjustment of the investment structure in China , so far many economists and practicing professionals have done great researches on this topic .

  5. 制定合理的产业选择基准,是优化我国对外直接投资产业结构,提高我国对外经济活动质量的必要前提。

    Making rational industrial selection criteria is the essential presupposition to optimize the industrial structure of outward foreign direct investment , and to improve the quality of outward economic activity of China .

  6. 全文除导论外,共分为五章,约18万字:第一章:投资产业结构调整与经济增长。

    The whole article consists of five chapters besides the chapter of introduction , with total words about of 180, 000.Chapter I : Adjustment of the Structure of Investment Industry and Economic Growth .

  7. 本文的基本目的在于借鉴以美国为代表的新经济的经验,探讨我国投资产业结构调整的对策。

    The main purpose of this paper is to discuss how to adjust the structure of investment industry in China by drawing on the experience of " new economy " represented by the United States .

  8. 该部分对比分析了日本对华直接投资产业结构演变对我国产业结构的效应影响,旨在尽量扩大正效应、缩小负效应,并在此基础上更好地为我国产业结构升级做贡献。

    According to analysis about the industrial structure effect to china of Japan 's FDI in china , the significance will be brought up to expand the positive effect and in the meanwhile control the passive effect .

  9. 加快投资产业结构调整,促进产业结构优化,实现经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型的根本转变,这是我国在新的世纪实现国民经济持续增长的基本途径。

    For achieving the sustainable development of national economy , it is essential for China to adjust the structure of investment industry , optimize the industry structure , and carry out intensive operations instead of extensive operations to obtain economic growth .

  10. 外商直接投资的产业结构效应FDI对广东产业结构的效应分析

    The Industrial Structure Effect of FDI An analysis on foreign direct investment and the industrial structure effect of Guangdong

  11. 最后分别对这三个区域建立了PANELDATA模型,将能源消费结构、固定资产投资、产业结构、经济体制、居民消费、科学技术创新这六个变量作为影响能源使用效率的因素。

    Then it establishes panel data model in the three regions , thinking energy consumption structure , fixed assets investment , industrial structure , economic system , resident consumption expenditure , science and technology innovation expenditure as six variables which influence energy use efficiency .

  12. 本文运用Granger因果检验与Engle-Granger协整检验对日本对外直接投资和产业结构的关系进行了研究。

    This paper applies Granger-causality test and co-integration test to research on the relationship between Japan 's foreign direct investment and industrial structure .

  13. 借鉴相关研究成果,运用Granger因果检验和建立韩国对外直接投资与产业结构的定量模型,验证韩国产业升级战略与其大规模对外直接投资关联的设想是否吻合。

    This paper uses relevant research results for reference and Granger-causality test to set up quantitative model of Korean foreign direct investment and industrial structure . It verifies whether the extensive foreign direct investment is related to Korea 's industrial upgrading strategy .

  14. 韩国对外直接投资与产业结构优化研究

    Research on FDI and Optimization of Industrial Structure in ROK

  15. 外商投资企业产业结构分析与对策

    Structure of industry in foreign - funded enterprises of China

  16. 韩国以外商直接投资调整产业结构的经验与教训

    Experience and Lessons of Adjusting S.Korean Industrial Structure Through FDI

  17. 外商投资的产业结构不合理;

    The attraction and the size of the foreign investment are still small .

  18. 外国直接投资的产业结构效应如何对中国经济增长产生影响,本文通过理论和实证的分析回答了这一问题。

    The upgrading of industrial structure has great influence on China 's economic growth .

  19. 广东省外商直接投资对产业结构和金融稳定的影响研究

    Analysis on the Influences of FDI to Industrial Structure and Financial Stability in Guangdong

  20. 但是,由于外商投资的产业结构倾斜;

    However , because the industrial structure that foreign businessmen invest trends in slopes ;

  21. 对华服务业直接投资对产业结构升级和人力资本积累的有限性

    Finiteness of China 's Inward Service FDI to Industrial Structure Upgrading and Human Capital Accumulation

  22. 以投资促产业结构的合理演进

    Investment Improve the Industrial Structure Evolution Correctly

  23. 海南省固定资产投资对产业结构影响的实证分析

    Studies the Impact Empirical Analysis of Fixed-asset Investment and the Industrial Structure of Hainan Province

  24. 投资与产业结构调整

    Investment and property structure control

  25. 第五章是对我国外商直接投资的产业结构和区位特征的考察。

    Chapter 5 discusses the industrial structure and the locational characteristic of foreign direct investment in China .

  26. 外商在粤直接投资对产业结构升级影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of FDI on the Upgrading of the Industrial Structure in Guangdong

  27. 转型期资本投资、产业结构、市场化对中国就业效应的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Capital Investment , Industry Structure , Market Degree on Employment in China in Transferring Period

  28. 吸收外商直接投资与产业结构优化升级&十一五时期利用外资政策目标的思考

    Absorbing Foreign Direct Investment and Upgrading Industrial Structure & Pondering over the Target of Utilization of Foreign Capital Policy

  29. 针对未来的新形势、新任务,作者提出了利用外商直接投资促进产业结构优化升级的新认识和对策措施。

    Finally the author put forward the new understanding and countermeasures for utilizing foreign direct investment to promote industrial upgrade .

  30. 分别从转型对企业税收负担、投资、产业结构的影响来分析转型将给江西带来的经济效应。

    Respectively from the tax burden for businesses , investment and industrial structure , the impact of the transformation are analyzed .