
jì shù shānɡ pǐn huà
  • commercialization of technology
  1. 营销观念在技术商品化过程中的应用

    The Application of Marketing Concept in the Process of Commercialization of Technology

  2. 中国技术商品化的制约分析。

    The analysis on restriction of technology commercialization in China .

  3. 其次,促进中国技术商品化的对策及措施。

    Secondly , policies and measures of promoting technology commercialization in China .

  4. 中国技术商品化若干问题研究

    The Research on Several Issues of Technology Commercialization in China

  5. 促进中国技术商品化若干问题的思考。

    The probe on several issues of promoting technology commercialization in china .

  6. 油藏模拟技术商品化有明显的社会效益和经济效益。

    Making the reservoir simulation technique commercialize has significant social and economic benefits .

  7. 农业技术商品化问题思考

    Thinking about Problems of Commercializing Agricultural Technology

  8. 本章试图从中构造中国技术商品化战略和运行模式。

    This chapter approaches to form the technology commercialization strategy and running model in China .

  9. 该理论的引入成为本论文探讨中国技术商品化问题的另一理论基石。

    This theory is another important foundation stone of the discussion on the technology commercialization in China .

  10. 环境噪声已经成为语音识别技术商品化的一个主要障碍。

    Environmental noise has become one of the major obstacles to the using of speech recognition techniques in practice .

  11. 针对新技术商品化过程中,对产品造型的需求复杂且不确定的问题,提出对造型感性需求进行探测、挖掘的方法。

    Aiming at the complexity and uncertainty of consumers'needs in commercialization of new technology , the detection and mining methods of the perceptual need of product form were improved .

  12. 基于风险投资运行与宏观环境的紧密联系,论文还分析了与之相匹配的资本市场、信用体系、科学技术商品化、专业人才市场的构建和完善。

    Based on the close relationship of venture capital 's movement and the macro environment , the thesis has also analyzed the construction and complement of the capital market , the credit system , commercialization of science and technology , and professional human resources pool .

  13. 此外,还对二极管激光器光源进入AAS领域后引起的变化和各种小型、微型原子化器的出现所兴起小型专用AAS实验仪器装置,以及一次测量背景校正技术的商品化等等作了介绍。

    The changes as a result from the introduction of diode laser source , micro-atomizer and one measurement technique of background correction into atomic absorption spectrometer as well as the appearance mini and micro atomic absorption spectrometer for special purpose were introduced .

  14. 结构光的测量技术在商品化的光学测量系统中最为流行,ATOS测量系统是其中非常由有代表性的一种,并在工业实践中被广泛使用。

    The structured light data acquisition method is prevailing in current commercial measuring systems because of it ability to catch edges and high curvature corners , which is very important in reverse application The ATOS system is typical in the measuring system base on the structured light method .

  15. 高技术成果商品化项目止损决策模型的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Termination Decision Model of High-Tech Achievement Commercialization Project

  16. 顺利推进高技术成果商品化、产业化。

    Advancing the commercializing and industrialization of high technological achievements smoothly ;

  17. 发展搜索技术成为商品化。

    The development of search as a technology has become commoditized .

  18. 云南兰花生物技术的商品化开发

    The Merchant Exploitation of Orchids in Yunnan by Biotechniques

  19. 新技术的商品化和产业化,是技术创新的根本目的。

    The radical goal of technique innovation is to realize its commercialization & industrialization .

  20. 风险投资是高新技术成果商品化、产业化的有效支持系统。

    Risk taking investment is the effective supporting system for the commercialization and industrialization of high tech achievement .

  21. 本文研究高技术成果商品化过程中新企业衍生的微观机制问题。

    This paper investigates the Spin-off micro-mechanism of new ventures in the process of high-tech achievements entrepreneurial commercialization .

  22. 因缺乏配套的贮藏保鲜技术及商品化处理规范,限制了甜柿产业的进一步发展。

    But its further development has been restricted on account of lack of assorted fresh-keep and storage technique and standard commercialization processing as well .

  23. 专利技术的商品化和堆栈层的标准化对于之前控制它们并从中获利不菲的企业来说是非常痛苦的。

    The commoditization of proprietary technologies and the standardization of layers of the stack is very painful to those companies who previously controlled and profited handsomely from them .

  24. 加速高新技术科研成果商品化

    Acceleration the Commercialization of Achievements in High and New Technology Research

  25. 光纤生物传感器换能技术进展及商品化展望

    Progress of transduction technology and a prospective for commercialization in fiber-optic biosensor

  26. 谈土工试验微机技术推广(商品化)问题

    Popularization of microcomputer techniques in geotechnical testing

  27. 风险投资的行为促进了高新技术成果的商品化和产业化,并且承担了较高的创业风险。

    Venture capital facilitates the commercialization and industrialization of high-tech achievements but assumes higher entrepreneurial risks .

  28. 这种新式的材料和薄膜技术对生产商品化低成本、高效率薄膜太阳电池无疑是非常有希望的。

    The new thesis about the commodity style of artistic production These novel material and technology are very hopeful for low cost high efficiency thin film solar cell production .

  29. 本文将软件工程形式技术与软件商品化方法同油藏数值模拟软件的开发相结合,提出了油藏模拟软件商品化的过程模型,论述了实现这个过程模型的基本方法。

    By combining the formal rules in software engineering and the method of software commercialization with the development of reservoir simulation software , this paper introduces a procedure model on commercializing reservoir simulation software and discusses the method for realizing the procedure model .

  30. 研究芡实加工技术及商品产业化配套机具,突破种植容易加工难的制约瓶颈,将带动芡实生产产业化,扩大种植面积,发展绿色创汇农业,给芡实产区带来无可估量的经济和社会效益。

    The research of processing technology and industrialization of machinery for gorgon fruit can break through the restricting bottleneck of planting easily and processing difficulty , which can bring gorgon fruit mechanization , enlarge planting area , develop green & export agriculture and bring beyond measure economic and social benefit .