
pī liànɡ shēnɡ chǎn
  • manufacture;batch production;lot production
  1. 康明斯C系列发动机排气歧管的批量生产技术

    Batch Production Technique of Manifold for Cummins C-Series Engine

  2. 利用改进的GM(1,1,λ)模型预测舰艇批量生产成本

    An Improved GM ( 1,1 ,λ) Model in Cost-forecasting of Warship Batch Production

  3. 那种型号在20世纪90年代末以前不会批量生产。

    That model won 't go into production before late 1990 .

  4. 例如,伦敦设计博物馆展示了一批批量生产的展品,包括电动打字机和一组意大利鱼缸。

    London ' s Design Museum , for example , shows a collection of mass-produced exhibits from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins .

  5. 这仍是早期的研究,研究小组想在展开人体试验之前做更多的测试,同时他们对于批量生产此药物和其成本方面仍存有疑虑。

    This is early-stage research and the team want to do more tests before starting human trials and there are questions about mass production and cost .

  6. 适合批量生产的GaAs数字IC背面金属化工艺

    GaAs Digital IC Back Metallization Process for Mass Production

  7. 将批量生产的产品的名称或ID作为输入,并返回其当前制造时间表。

    Take the name or ID of a bulk-production item as input and return its current manufacturing schedule .

  8. RH真空精炼是大批量生产优质纯净钢的重要手段。

    RH vacuum refining technology is a powerful method of producing clean steel .

  9. 面向多品种小批量生产的SPC研究

    SPC study on multi-specification and small-batch production

  10. SOI传感器具有耐高温、抗辐射、易于批量生产等优点。

    SOI has the advantages of resisting high temperature and radiation , easy to be batch produced .

  11. 本装置制作的薄膜膜厚均匀区宽、膜质好,不仅适用于ZnO薄膜的小批量生产,也可用于溅射沉积其它各种介质膜和金属膜。

    This kind of sputtering equipment is not only suitable for mass production of ZnO films , but also for the sputtering deposition of other dielectric or metal films .

  12. 据彭博社报道,苹果已经开始着手其iPhone系列的下一个产品,预计下个月进行批量生产。

    According to a report from Bloomberg , Apple 's already started working on the next version of its iPhone , going into volume production next month .

  13. 二段硫化在热空气老化箱中进行,硫化条件为150℃×2h。该防尘罩已批量生产。

    And the second step vulcanization is carried out in a hot air oven at the temperature of 150 ℃ for 2 h.

  14. 现有的主流PDP采用表面放电结构,它能够提供良好的显示性能,已经开始批量生产。

    Today , the surface discharge structure is widely adopted , which provides good display quality and has been put into mass production .

  15. Si衬底具有廉价、尺寸大、热导率高和容易加工等优点,因而成为继蓝宝石和碳化硅之后,可以进行批量生产LED的衬底。

    The Si substrate is cheap , large size , high thermal conductivity and easy processing advantages thus become a promising substrate which may carry on the batch production of LED after sapphire and silicon carbide .

  16. 满足低价位的大批量生产(也是低安全性)的电子移动消费产品制造商的需要,对MEMS供应商来说是一个完全不同的挑战。

    Meeting the low price demands of mass production ( yet low safety ) manufacturers of electronic mobile consumer products at a high volume is a very different challenge for MEMS suppliers .

  17. 类似的,当大批量生产成为19世纪的大潮之时,威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)和约翰•拉斯金(JohnRuskin)等英国辩论家希望将这股浪潮推回去。

    Similarly , when mass production became a spring tide in the 19th century , British polemicists such as William Morris and John Ruskin were there to wave it back .

  18. RH作为炼钢与连铸之间的重要精炼设备之一,能很大程度上提高钢水质量,满足大批量生产高附加值产品的要求。

    As one of the important refining equipments between steelmaking and continuous casting , RH can improve steel quality largely and meet the demand of mass production of high additional value .

  19. 面向变批量生产的CAPP作为变批量生产准备工作的首要步骤,必须适应企业生产批量的变化,使得工艺规划的环境和方法随这种变化作出相应的调整。

    Various Lot-size Production-based CAPP ( VPCAPP ) is the first step of production preparation for enterprises . It must adjust environment and process planning methods to adapt itself well to variety of Lot-size .

  20. 在对传统物料需求计划主要计算模型分析比较的基础上,提出了单件小批量生产环境下物料需求计划改进算法&伸缩式MRP算法;

    On the basis of relative analysis of primary compute models for material requirements planning , improved arithmetic for material requirements planning is put forward in little batch manufacturing mode ;

  21. 研制出的SIMOX高温压力传感器具有结构简单、与半导体工艺兼容、适用于大批量生产等特点。

    The SIMOX high temperature pressure transducer is provided with the follow good characteristics : sample structure , compatible with semiconductor process , fit to mass producing .

  22. 本课题研究的重点是FMS的一部分,即在当前多品种小批量生产模式下服装生产管理中工序编排与质量管理如何达到快速反应。

    This paper is a part of FMS what is to say how to realize the quick reaction on garment quality control and procedure arrangement in the production management under the mode of " many variety , small quantity " .

  23. 以高韧性ADI风镐缸体的批量生产实践为例,论述了产品研发的技术关键,并提出了ADI产业化的思路。

    Based on the productive practice of high toughness ADI breaker housing , the technical point of research and development of production was described , the industrialization of ADI as a new idea has also been presented .

  24. 批量生产实践证明,单个电流为20A左右,电镀时间20min时,产品质量满足要求。

    The practice of mass production proves that when the single current is 20 A and the plating time is 20 min , the product quality is satisfactory .

  25. 目前,AIDER已经开始小批量生产,并且已经对一组残疾人进行了初步临床试验。

    At present , AIDER has begun low-volume production . Preliminary clinical trials have been conducted on a group of physically disabled people .

  26. 这验证了采用MEMS技术研制的双桥结构的气体流速传感器的工艺方案可行性,该项技术具有集成化和大批量生产的特点,有进一步应用的价值。

    It is proved the feasibility of the flow sensor with the structure of micro cantilever bridge by using the MEMS technology . The integration and bulk production can be realized with the method that is applied to the field of micro gas flow sensor especially .

  27. 丰田Prius混和动力电动汽车作为目前批量生产的电动汽车,其本身的机械及电气结构具有适应混合动力要求的特点,并达到了产业化的要求。

    As currently batch-produced electric car , the mechanical and electrical structures of Toyota Prius hybrid electric car are adapted to the hybrid requirements to a great extent and have reached the requirement of industrialization .

  28. wws-1型数字双无定向磁力仪由北京地质仪器厂批量生产。

    Abstract WWS-1 type digital-double astatic magnetometers are being produced in batches by Beijing Geological Instruments Factory .

  29. 我们认为,我国对He-Ne激光器的需求及市场不同于西方,应着重发展He-Ne激光器的应用及其批量生产。

    Based on the market and demand for He-Ne laser in China , which are different from the Western , the emphasis should be placed on developing various applications of high-volume He-Ne laser , as well as improving mass-production facility . All these are our views .

  30. Q195L拉丝钢现已成为韶钢的一个重点产品,Q195L拉丝钢从试制到批量生产经历了较长时间的工艺探索过程。

    Q195L wire-drawing steel is a major product im Shaosteel.Q195L has passed a long time process investigation from trial manufacture to batch production .