
  • 网络Ptolemy;ptolemaic;Claudius Ptolemaeus;Claudius Ptolemy;Ptolemaios
  1. 托勒密绘制了48个星座1,000多颗恒星的星位图。

    Ptolemy charted more than 1000 stars in 48 constella-tions

  2. 其中就有声名显赫的埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉七世下嫁托勒密十三世(PtolemyXIII),共享床笫之欢。

    One notable Queen Pharaoh ( Pharaess ? ) was the famous Cleopatra VII , who married her young brother Ptolemy XIII .

  3. 托勒密王族(Ptolemys)是马其顿帝国的原住家族,他们在亚历山大大帝(AlexandertheGreat)死后统治埃及近300年。其间,为保护家族血统的“纯粹性”,他们可谓“殚精竭虑、极尽所能”。

    The Ptolemys were an originally Macedonian family who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died . They reigned for almost 300 years , and kept their bloodlines as " pure " as could be .

  4. 作为托勒密体系中的三大数学装置之一,equantpoint是匀速运动的参考点但不是等距运动的中心,因此应该译成偏心匀速点。Equant应该译成偏心匀速圆。

    Equant is one of the three mathematical devices of Ptolemaic System . Equant point is not the centre of equal distance , but the centre of equal motion .

  5. 阿里斯塔克斯(aristarchus)比托勒密早两百多年提出了太阳系日心说理论。

    Aristarchus had more than 200 years earlier come up with a heliocentric model of the solar system .

  6. 托勒密定理与正多边形外接圆的性质

    Ptolemy 's Theorem and the Nature of the Regular Polygon Circle

  7. 最后,作为应用将托勒密定理推广到n维空间。

    Ptolemy theorem is extended to n-dimensional Euclidean space for application .

  8. 他们告诉我说托勒密家族的人,没有自杀而亡的。

    They tell me there is no Ptolemy has ever committed suicide .

  9. 托勒密王朝在经济上对埃及历史所起的作用

    The Economic Role of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the History of Egypt

  10. 托勒密定理的复数证法及其应用

    Demonstration of Complex Number and Its Application about Ptolemy Theorem

  11. 托勒密体系还要求对债券市场采取一种有失偏颇的观点。

    The Ptolemaic system also requires a skewed view of bond markets .

  12. 指托勒密的地心说体系或者与此体系相关的。

    Or or relating to the geocentric Ptolemaic system .

  13. 在托勒密王朝统治埃及之前,埃及曾种植各种油料作物。

    Various oil-producing plants had been grown in Egypt long before Ptolemaic times .

  14. 托勒密是否亲手绘制地图,目前尚不可知。

    Whether Ptolemy drew his own maps is unclear .

  15. 观察到的论据足以把亚里士多德和托勒密一起推翻。

    And he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together .

  16. 张衡与托勒密天文学思想的哲学基础之比较

    Comparison between the Philosophical Foundations of the Astronomic Thoughts of Zhang Heng and Ptolemy

  17. 托勒密王朝的希腊化问题一直是史学界争论不休的话题。

    The Hellenism of he Ptolemaic dynasty is a debatable topic in the historians .

  18. 托勒密体系需要被新的体系所取代。

    The Ptolemaic system needs to be replaced .

  19. 托勒密家族是一个畸形的家族,这是一个保守的说法。

    Ptolemy is a family to say that they are disfunctional is an understatement .

  20. 本文给出托勒密定理的一个新证明。

    In this paper , we give a new proof of Ptolemy 's theorem .

  21. 构建托勒密式的欧元区,还需要对所谓失衡问题进行有侧重点的调整。

    The Ptolemaic version of the eurozone also requires lopsided adjustment of so-called imbalances .

  22. 托勒密的地心说已被认为是一个范式例子。

    Ptolemy 's geocentric theory has been taken as an example of a paradigm .

  23. 第三部分主要介绍托勒密王朝的婚姻家庭状况。

    The third part focuses on marriage and family status of the Ptolemaic Egypt .

  24. 托勒密埃及官僚制度探微

    On the Bureaucracy System in Ptolemaic Egypt

  25. 托勒密埃及的经济管理模式

    Model of Economic Administration in Ptolemaic Egypt

  26. 托勒密的这部《地理学》试图揭开地图的神秘面纱。

    Ptolemy 's " Geography " was an attempt to take myths out of maps .

  27. 托勒密体系之数学基础研究

    On the Mathematical Elements of the Almagest

  28. 埃及艳后即克丽奥佩托拉七世是古埃及托勒密王朝的最后一任法老。法老。

    Cleopatra 's torre that pelosi curly pull vii is ancient Egypt last Egyptian pharaoh .

  29. 关于托勒密的地图最重要的一点是北方为上方。

    The really important thing about Ptolemy 's map was that north was at the top .

  30. 如今,没有几个天文学家信奉托勒密的地心说,也不会有人相信燃素说。

    There are few Ptolemaic astronomers left , or believers in the phlogiston theory of combustion .