
  • 网络hand eczema
  1. 手部湿疹治疗的研究概况:EDEN手部湿疹的调查

    Overview of studies of treatments for hand eczema - The EDEN hand eczema survey

  2. Osnabrueck手部湿疹严重性指数-手部皮肤病评分系统的观察者间可靠性的研究

    Osnabrueck hand eczema severity index-A study of the inter observer reliability of a scoring system assessing skin diseases of the hands

  3. 职业性手部湿疹患者人群的生活质量和抑郁症

    Quality of life and depression in a population of occupational hand eczema patients

  4. 丹麦职业性手部湿疹调查

    A survey of occupational hand eczema in Denmark

  5. 窄谱中波紫外线联合雷公藤片治疗156例手部湿疹疗效观察

    Analysis on Effect of NB-UVB Combined with Tripterygium Glycoside on 156 Patients with Hand Eczema Treated

  6. 职业性手部湿疹患者的疾病严重程度、患者休假和由此引起的失业相关方面的调查

    Relation between diagnoses on severity , sick leave and loss of job among patients with occupational hand eczema

  7. 手部湿疹接触性致病因素探讨(320例皮肤斑贴试验结果)

    Study on the contact allergen of hand eczema ( Results of routine patch test of 320 cases )

  8. 目的:观察复方氟米松软膏对慢性手部湿疹患者临床症状和生活质量的改善。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of Flumetasone Ointment in treating Chronic Hand Eczema and the effect of improving patients'quality of life .

  9. 所有病例按照皮疹部位分为手部湿疹组及躯干四肢湿疹组,分析在不同组别中各种致敏原斑贴试验阳性率。

    All cases were divided into groups according to the distribution of rash namely the hand eczema group and the trunk and limbs eczema group .

  10. 【结果】68例患者中,斑贴实验阳性病例53例,总体阳性率77.94%,其中手部湿疹25例,阳性率86%,躯干四肢湿疹28例,阳性率71.79%。

    【 Results 】 Of 68 eczema patients , 53 cases were patch test positive yielding a positive rate of 77.94 % , among which 25 cases had hand eczema with positive rate of 86 % , 28 cases of trunk and limbs eczema with positive rate of 71.79 % .

  11. 润肤洗剂治疗手部干燥性湿疹140例。

    140 cases xerotic eczema on hands treated with Runfu lotion .