
  1. 手术费用保险会支付医生为你手术的费用。

    Surgular expense insurance will pay for any nonsurigcal treatment .

  2. 结论:本手术具有双保险提高疗效,可降低复发率,防止并发症发生,是治疗面肌痉挛的有效手段。

    Conclusion : The good quality is double insurance , increasing curative effect , decreasing the rate of recurrence and preventing the complication .

  3. 2012年,芝加哥的疼痛专家保罗·麦迪逊(PaulMadison)遭到联邦的欺诈指控,相关机构称他拥有的手术中心提交给保险公司的账单中包含一些从未涉及的程序的费用。

    Dr. Paul Madison , a pain specialist in Chicago , was indicted in 2012 on federal fraud charges after the authorities claimed that the surgical center he owned billed insurers for procedures that were never performed .

  4. 知道隆皮手术是不上保险的吧。

    You know the insurance doesn 't cover it .

  5. 属于无劳动收入的且符合国家和自治区计划生育规定生育或实施计划生育手术未享受生育保险待遇的可享受一次性生育或计划生育手术医疗补助。

    Belong to those who do not have labor income and can enjoy what accord with country and municipal family planning to the regulation is borne or carry out family planning operation to did not enjoy birth insurance treatment one-time bear or medical treatment of family planning operation is accessorial .

  6. 儿童小组并不推荐常规的男性割礼手术,但它确实表示这项手术应该得到相关保险的支持。

    The pediatric group did not recommend routine male circumcision , but it did say the procedure should be covered by insurance .

  7. 路透社(俄亥俄,克利夫兰电)-强生公司手术设备部门的新头目号召雇主们将越来越受到欢迎但却昂贵的减肥手术纳入保险范围。

    CLEVELAND , Ohio ( Reuters ) - The new head of Johnson & Johnson 's surgical-device unit is campaigning to convince employers to cover an increasingly popular but pricey surgery for obesity .