
  • 网络real estate investment decision
  1. 投资成本和市场需求不对称的房地产投资决策期权博弈模型

    An Asymmetric Duopoly Option Game Model of Real Estate Investment Decision under Investment Cost and Market Demand

  2. 为了选择和评估房地产投资决策,首先要对投资决策理解透彻。

    In order to select and justify real estate investment decision , the decision must first be understood .

  3. 基于Internet的房地产投资决策分析系统

    An Internet-Based Investment Decision Analysis System for Real Estate

  4. 传统的房地产投资决策方法(DCF)本身有局限性,主要是其忽视了房地产投资中的不确定性和动态灵活性所带来的价值。

    The traditional methods , such as Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF ), to make real estate investment decisions have many limitations , the most important of which neglects something of value when making real estate investment decisions under uncertainty and dynamic choice of timing .

  5. 基于模糊数学的房地产投资决策研究

    Research of Investment Decision Making In Real Estate Based on Fuzzy

  6. 试论估价师在房地产投资决策中的作用

    The Discussion of the Function of the Appraiser in Real Estate Investment

  7. 基于实物期权方法的商业房地产投资决策研究

    A Study on Decision of Commercial Real Estate Based on Real Options

  8. 房地产投资决策中的实物期权分析方法

    Real Option Method in Real Estate Investment Decision

  9. 房地产投资决策支持系统开发设计研究

    Study on the development and design of decision supporting system for real estate investment

  10. 价值链理论在房地产投资决策中的应用初探

    Preliminary Study on the Application of Value Chain Theory in Real Estate Investment Decision-making

  11. 房地产投资决策方法优化研究

    Research on Optimizing Real Estate Investing Decision Method

  12. 而实物期权方法已成为房地产投资决策理论研究的前沿领域。

    Real option approach has become the foreland about real estate investment theory study .

  13. 收益型房地产投资决策分析

    Investment Decision and Analyse of Income Property

  14. 基于风险分散策略的房地产投资决策方法研究

    Research on the Investment Decision of Real Estate Based on the Strategy of Risk Control

  15. 实物期权定价模型在房地产投资决策中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Real Options Pricing Model for the Investment Decision of Real Estate

  16. 最后,介绍了房地产投资决策分析系统的原型系统的实现,介绍了原型系统的数据库、输入部分、输出部分及模型库和方法库的实现。

    Finally , we introduce the implement of the prototype system of the investment decision analysis system for real estate .

  17. 本文从实物期权的角度和战略管理的角度开展房地产投资决策研究。

    But this dissertation researches the investment decision of real estate from the visual angle of real option and strategic management .

  18. 文章介绍了房地产投资决策管理信息系统的构建,并对该系统的设计进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the construction of real estate investment and decision-making management information system and analyses the design of the system .

  19. 多目标决策灰色关联投影法在房地产投资决策中的应用情报检索系统用户相关性判断的灰色聚类决策

    Application of Multi-criteria Decision Grey Relation Projection Method to Real Estate Investment Decision ; Grey Clustering Decision Method for Information End-User Relevance Judgments

  20. 找出房地产投资决策中的最优决策方案以获得最大的投资效益。

    Find out the optimum decision scheme in the investment decision of the real estate in order to obtain the largest investment benefit .

  21. 房地产投资决策是整个房地产开发过程中的关键环节,决策的合理性、科学性将直接影响开发项目能否顺利进行。

    Real estate investment decision-making process as a whole real estate development in key decision-making rational and scientific will directly affect development projects can proceed smoothly .

  22. 与传统房地产投资决策方法相比,实物期权方法考虑了房地产投资中的时间价值和管理柔性价值,是一种更为科学合理的评价方法。

    Contrasting with traditional investment decision method , the real option which considers the value of time and management flexibility in the process of investment is more scientific and rational .

  23. 第五、通过实例应用,把熵理论运用到房地产投资决策风险估计和风险决策中,并得到合理结果。

    Fifth , according to a practical case , using the entropy weight and subjective weight together to formulate the compound weight and make risk-decision according to the risk decision rule .

  24. 提出实物期权应用于房地产投资决策的应用框架,提出建立动态决策的分析框架。

    By analysis the general application frame of real option , proposed the application frame of real option applies in the real estate investment decision-making , proposed the establishment dynamic decision-making analysis frame .

  25. 实物期权方法较传统投资决策方法在较大不确定性的项目投资决策中更具科学性,它对房地产投资决策具有较大的理论意义和实用价值。

    Comparing with traditional method , the method of real option is more scientific in project with much uncertainty . No matter in theory or practice field , real option is very significant .

  26. 本文以两阶段动态优化模型研究了居民的房地产投资决策和泡沫的形成与爆裂,结论如下:第一,预期收入和预期价格是决定房地产投资的基本因素;

    This paper studies real estate investment decision and rational bubble by an overlapping generation model . Conclusions are as follows . First , expected income and price are two factors for investment .

  27. 对于房地产投资决策问题,尝试用模糊聚类分析和模糊贴近度的方法解决房地产投资决策的问题,并且结合实例对两种方法应用的效果和不足进行了研究。

    To resolve the problem of investment decision making in real estate , Fuzzy clustering analysis and Fuzzy similarity scale are applied in this paper . Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed in detail .

  28. 论证了实物期权应用于房地产投资决策的应用时机,给出了房地产投资中实物期权的定价方法和公式中相关参数的确定。

    By analysis the opportunity of applying real option method to real estate investment decision-making , given the computational method of the real option pricing in real estate investment and the parameter determination in the pricing formula .

  29. 贝叶斯决策也就是结合通过市场调查得来的新信息和历史资料数据,修正先验概率,使得对投资项目未来的市场状况有一个较为准确的判断,所以能够降低房地产投资决策的风险程度。

    The model combining history data and through the market surveys of new information , future of the investment projects of market conditions have a more accurate judgment , and can therefore obviously decrease the real estate investment decision-making level of risk .

  30. 将灰色局势决策的理论和方法应用于房地产投资决策的方案优选,给出了求解全局协调最优局势的方法,并用实例说明这种方法是可行的。

    In this paper , the multiobjectives grey overall arrangement decision is applied to the optimal selection of real estate investment decision plans , and the method to solve the globally optimum overall arrangement is also given which proves to be effective through practical example .