
  1. 我要你在五点钟前把整件事电告单位。

    I need you to phone the story in before five .

  2. 我要你离我女儿远远的。

    I want you to stay away from my daughter .

  3. 我要你留任项目经理。

    I want you to continue as project manager .

  4. 我要你清醒、冷静。

    I need you sane and sober .

  5. 如果你有异议,我要你马上告诉我。

    If you have a problem with that , I want you to tell me right now

  6. 我要你把火灾前发生的一切统统忘掉。

    I want you to clear your mind of everything that happened before the fire .

  7. 我要你把那张木头桌子的桌面擦洗干净,直到我能在桌面上吃饭为止。

    I want you to clean down the top of that wooden table until I can eat my dinner off it .

  8. "我要你现在把你所有的食物都吃光,"她说。

    " I want you to eat all your food now , " she said .

  9. "我要你去找其中一个人,问问你能不能和他或她一起。"

    " I want you to go to one of them and ask if you can join him or her . "

  10. 我要你承担所有的责任。

    I want you to undertake all the responsibility .

  11. 我要你亲自做。

    I need you to do it yourself .

  12. 我要你跟我一起去普利摩顿最阴暗的街道看一看

    I want you to come with me , into the filthiest streets of Primordium .

  13. 阿布,我要你雇用我进。

    Abruzzi , I need you to hire me a pi .

  14. 可是现在,我要你放下武器!

    But right now I need you to drop the weapon !

  15. 而且我要你现在就在那里等我。

    And I need you to meet me there right now .

  16. 等一等,我要你听一听。

    Hold on . I need you to listen to this .

  17. 我要你知道是她找上我的。

    She came to me , I want you to know .

  18. 我要你为儿子报仇,你做到了。

    I asked you to avenge our son and you did .

  19. 我要你安排今天下午开个员工会议。

    I need you to arrange a staff meeting this afternoon .

  20. 我要你用钥匙重启我。

    And I want you to reset it with the key .

  21. 我要你帮我个大忙。

    I want you to do me an important favor .

  22. 我要你修复她的脸,爸。

    I want you to fix her face , dad .

  23. 史纳,我要你还我一个大人情。

    Snug , I 'm calling in a solid you owe me .

  24. 我要你做很勇敢的事情。

    I 'm asking you to do something very courageous .

  25. 我要你下球对着吉祥物投。

    I want you to throw the next one at the mascot .

  26. 我要你学会如果驾驶你自己的客车。

    I want you to learn how to drive your own bus .

  27. 不是因为我要你感到自卑。

    Not because I want you to feel inferior .

  28. 但我要你成为那个男人。

    But I wanted you to be that man .

  29. 好吧,你是知道的,呃,我要你把的帐单付清了。

    Well , you know , er , I want my bill paid .

  30. 因为我要你亲自付给我。

    Because I want you to pay me personally .