
  • 网络I Have You
  1. 买这些杂货我得给你多少钱?

    How much do I owe you for the groceries ?

  2. 我得跟你说多少回不要做那种事?

    How many times do I have to tell you not to do that ?

  3. 我得告诉你,我干这活完全是个新手。

    I should tell you , I 'm completely new to this kind of work .

  4. 我得和你谈谈,但不着急。

    I 'll need to talk with you , but there 's no hurry

  5. 我得告诉你,我还和Leonard狠狠击了个掌。

    For your information , I also gave Leonard one hell of a high five .

  6. 我得承认你在钢琴独奏会上的表现真的很耀眼。

    I must admit you really shined at the piano recital .

  7. 本:戴安娜,我得与你谈谈。

    BEN : Diana , I have to talk to you .

  8. 很抱歉,我得消除你那些浪漫的想法。

    I 'm sorry to have to dispel your romantic notions .

  9. 我得给你看看这计划有多没成功。

    Figured I 'd show youhow much it isn 't working .

  10. 我得告诉你,我说话是算数的。

    I must tell you that I mean what I say .

  11. 我想得你告诉我了。

    I think you 're going to have to tell me .

  12. 真好,但是我得告诉你,兄弟

    Sweet . Though I got to tell you , man ,

  13. 先生,我得跟你理论一番。

    I have a bone to pick with you , sir .

  14. 现在我得给你爸打电话了。

    I 'm going to have to call your father now .

  15. 所以我得在你身上取样。

    I 'm going to need some reference samples from you .

  16. 我得看看你是不是说了实话。

    I had to see if you were telling the truth .

  17. 伊丽莎白说:我得问问你,你是否觉得事出意外?

    I must ask whether you were surprised ? said Elizabeth .

  18. 大维,身为朋友我得告诉你。

    Dave , I 'm just saying this as your friend .

  19. 一路上我得教你骑马。

    I 'll have to teach you as we go along .

  20. 我得说你的工作表现不够好。

    I should say your working performance isn 't good enough .

  21. 但是我得给你上一课,什么才是职业的新闻人。

    But let me give you a lesson in professional journalism .

  22. 给你添了这么多麻烦,我得向你道歉。

    I 've got to apologize for troubling you so much .

  23. 我得知道你的钱在哪里。

    I do need to know where the money is .

  24. 我得说你的教学能力很强。

    I must say that your teaching is quite exceptional .

  25. 我得要求你陪我去一趟警察分局。

    I must ask you to accompany me to the police station .

  26. 我得向你道歉,夫人。问题出在新的计算机上。

    I must apologize , madam . it 's the new computer .

  27. 我得告诉你弗兰克要来。

    But one I should mention to you is frank .

  28. 顺便说一句,我得请你帮个忙。

    By the way , I need to ask you a favor .

  29. 我得找你谈谈,很重要。

    I gotta talk to you . it 's serious .

  30. 有件事我得和你解释一下?

    There 's a certain matter I want to explain .