
  • 网络I Deserved
  1. 我应该得到工人赔偿金或其他什么。

    I should get , like , workman 's comp or something .

  2. 他说我应该得到良好的教育。

    He said that I should get a good education .

  3. 没有人认为我应该得到升职。

    Nobody thought I would ever get promoted .

  4. 我应该得到三个等式,每个分量对应一个。

    I should say three such identities , one for each component , whatever .

  5. 为什么我应该得到这份奖学金?

    Why do I deserve thls scholarshlp ?

  6. 我应该得到我能得到的。

    I deserve whatever I can get .

  7. 我应该得到的了。

    I should of gotten out .

  8. 所以,当他们倒闭时,我应该得到每月1500元的退休金。

    And when they closed up , I should have gotten about $ 1,500 dollars a month from retirement .

  9. 在调查中,衡量优越感的方式是看受访者是否认同问卷单中的一些陈述,如“我应该得到别人的关爱”和“我知道自己比大多数人更有天份”等。

    The superiority factor was measured by responses to such statements as'I deserve favors from others'and'I know that I have more natural talents than most . '

  10. 明天我应该能得到好几笔收入。

    Tomorrow I 'm due to get paid from a couple of places .

  11. “我认为我们应该得到三个球员参加全明星,小莫和大Z都可以,”詹姆斯说。

    " I think we should get three guys on the team , Mo and Z deserve it ," James said .

  12. 我想我应该得到每个星期100美元的加薪。

    I think I deserve an extra $ 100a week .

  13. 我认为她应该得到表扬。

    I think she deserves a pat on the back .

  14. 我接受自己应该得到丰厚的收入。

    I accept a healthy flow of income for myself .

  15. 我应该可以做得到得。

    I should be able to get you out .

  16. 我认为您应该得到最高的赞扬。

    I think you deserve the highest praise .

  17. 我妈妈应该再得到一份礼物。

    My mom should get another gift .

  18. 我想护士应该得到更多的报酬。

    I think nurses should get more .

  19. “丢球之后我们接管了比赛,我想我们应该得到一点分数的,”他说。

    " After that we dominated and I think we deserved something ," he said .

  20. 我想你应该得到这种能力。

    I thought you deserved an ability .

  21. 我认为露西应该得到所有的一切。

    I think Lucy deserves everything .

  22. 我们对游客表现出友好和尊敬,我认为也应该得到同样的对待。

    We treat all visitors with hospitality and respect , and I think we deserve the same , she said .

  23. 然而他们却不提供房补,这是我认为我应该得到的。

    However , they didn 't offer a housing allowance , which I really think I should have been provided with .

  24. 为什么你说我们不喜欢伊拉克人?那是你的想法,我认为他们应该得到尊敬。

    Why do you say we don 't like Iraqis ? Speak for yourself . I think they should be respected .

  25. 或许意足协的一些做法做得太过仓促了,老实说,我认为我应该得到另一种待遇。

    Perhaps things were rather rushed and , in all honesty , I expected something a little different in the way it was handled .

  26. 我真应该早点儿得到它。

    I 'm supposed to get it a little while ago .

  27. 我认为男女选手应该得到同等的待遇。

    It 's I think women and men should be treated equally .

  28. 我不认为他应该得到那份工作。

    I don 't think he should get that job .

  29. 这就是我应该从老虎那儿得到的?

    Is this what I should get from the tiger ?

  30. 总统和我都认为他们应该得到这些。

    The President and I think they deserve it .