
chéng lì
  • granulation;graininess;shot
成粒 [chéng lì]
  • [shot] 使熔融金属从小孔喷射出来而成为颗粒状的过程或用这一过程生产(弹丸等)

成粒[chéng lì]
  1. 从成粒率和颗粒粒度两方面综合考虑,过40目筛(0.37mm)的原料成粒效果最好;

    Considering from the points of granulation ratio and granularity , the materials sieved by 40 mesh sieve has the best granulation property .

  2. 本文着重论述了近年来在混合造粒技术机理方面的研究进展,特别是粘结剂对于成粒过程和产品质量的影响,并对造粒过程中的控制条件优化进行了评述。

    The mechanisms of multi-component , especially the influences of binder on the product and the process of granulation were reviewed and the conditions of controlling were compared and predicted .

  3. 本文以聚氯乙烯悬浮聚合分散剂的应用研究为背景,针对PVC树脂的颗粒特性,分析其成粒机理及影响因素。

    The mechanism of nucleation and the influencing factor was investigated according to the particle feature of PVC resin .

  4. 新型乳液聚合制备疏松PMMA树脂及成粒机理

    Preparation of porous PMMA resin by a new emulsion polymerization process and the mechanism of particle formation

  5. 一次粒子聚集成粒径30~50nm、质量分形维数Dm≈27的二次粒子。

    Primary particles are aggregated into 30 ~ 50nm secondary particles with mass fractal dimension D m ≈ 2.7 .

  6. 结果表明,在此条件下制得的复混肥抗压强度为27.8N,总有效养分为31.6%,pH值6.2,成粒率95.8%。

    The result indicates that the pressure resistant strength of the compounded & mixed fertilizer is 27.8 N under this condition , the total effective nutrient 31.6 % , pH value 6.2 , granularity rate 95.8 % .

  7. 结果表明通过RAFT活性可控聚合手段得到两亲性聚合物分子具有很好的自组装行为,能够自组装成粒径200nm左右的具有核-壳结构、结构规整的球状颗粒。最大物质包裹效率达到58.8%。

    The results show that the amphiphilic polymers have good self-assembly behavior whose particle size is about 200 nm , and Maximum package efficiency of 58.8 % .

  8. 针对提高聚合温度,降低聚合度,同时使PVC孔隙率降低的矛盾,本文根据PVC树脂的成粒机理,进行了疏松少皮低聚合度PVC树脂的合成配方设计。

    Aiming at decreasing polymerization degree as well as increasing porosity and basing on the well-known particle formation mechanism of vinyl chloride suspension polymerization , synthesis recipe of PVC resin with low polymerization degree , high porosity and less skin was designed .

  9. 3种粘结剂的造粒成粒率均大于93%,返料率小于12%,且用量不超过1%,肥料颗粒平均抗压碎力大于10N,优于国家标准。

    Three binders ' granulation rates were more than 93 % . Their return product rates were less than 12 % . And their dosages all not exceeded 1 % . Their average granular resistance forces to crushing were greater than 10N , which had advantage over the National Standard .

  10. 阐述低浓度复肥与高浓度复肥成粒的不同特点。

    The characteristics of low and high analysis compound fertilizers are expounded .

  11. 氯乙烯悬浮聚合的宏观成粒过程

    The Formation of Grain in Suspension Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride

  12. 玉米籽粒类型及其与成粒的关系

    A Study of Relationships Between Types of Corn Grain and Their Formation

  13. 在所用的高温下,固体事先成粒,带出量降低。

    At the high temperature used solids are pelletized , carry-over is lowered .

  14. 磷石膏作水泥缓凝剂及其成粒工艺研究

    Study on the palletizing process for the use of phosphorous gypsum as cement retarder

  15. 悬浮聚合法制备墨粉的粒度控制及成粒机理分析

    Control of Particle Size and Analysis of Forming Process of Toner Particles Prepared by Suspension Polymerization

  16. 一种近似歇斯底里症的状态流态化造粒,成粒近似球形,流动性好。

    Fluidized Granulation , the granule is around ball shape . Its flow ability is good .

  17. 液滴在高压电场的作用下将分散成粒径细小的均匀雾滴。

    Through a high-potential electric field the liquid drop will disperse into uniform micro-diameter spray droplets .

  18. 每穗成粒数减少是推迟播栽期引起水稻减产的主要原因,其次是千粒重的下降和成穗数的降低。

    In addition , the reduce of1000-grain weight and ripened panicles also contribute to the yield decrease .

  19. 二次颖花的成粒率受气候及管理水平影响较大;

    The setting ratio of spikelets on secondary rachis branch was more subject to climate and management .

  20. MMA/BA无皂乳液聚合机理研究&三阶段成粒机理

    Studies on Emulsifier free Emulsion Polymerization Mechanism of MMA / BA Three stage Mechanism for Particle Formation

  21. 悬浮-乳液复合聚合聚苯乙烯-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯复合粒子的颗粒特性和成粒机理

    Particle features and formation mechanism of polystyrene-poly ( methyl methacrylate ) composite particles prepared by suspension-emulsion combined polymerization

  22. MMA/BA/聚乙二醇马来酸单酯钠盐无皂乳液聚合的成粒机理

    Particle Formation Mechanism in the Emulsifier free Emulsion Polymerization of MMA / BA / Sodium Polyethylene Glycol Maleate

  23. 造粒通常是在辊子造粒机中将压饼破碎成粒完成的。

    Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains , usually in roll corning mills .

  24. 介绍了以熟石灰、水泥熟料、熟石膏为助剂的成粒工艺。

    The palletizing process with slaked lime , cement clinker and calcined plaster as additive was also introduced .

  25. 丙烯腈水溶性对偏氯乙烯/丙烯腈/苯乙烯三元悬浮共聚合成粒机理的影响

    Effects of Water Solubility of Acrylonitrile on Particle Formation Mechanism of Vinylidene Chloride / Acrylonitrile / Styrene Suspension Polymerization

  26. 介绍成粒曲线及其应用(即生产中如何通过改变一些操作条件使成粒点处于成粒曲线范围内);

    Granulating curve and its application are also presented so as to make granulating point into the range of granulating curve .

  27. 结论:钻井废泥浆作为肥料添加剂成粒性较好,可初步用于制作复混肥。

    Conclusion : Granulated capability which disperse drilling mud as fertilizer addition is good , disperse drilling mud can be primarily used as fertilizer addition .

  28. 流态化造粒,成粒近似球形,流动性好。粒子的另一分类叫做电荷多重态。

    Fluidized Granulation , the granule is around ball shape . Its flow ability is good . Another particle grouping is referred to as charge multiplets .

  29. 根据专用树脂的颗粒特性,在已有氯乙烯悬浮聚合成粒机理基础上,设计了大口径管材专用树脂成粒路线:采用特定的分散体系并结合连续添加分散剂工艺和搅拌模式。

    A particle formation course of pipe grade PVC resin was designed as : using specific dispersant system , specific dispersant injection mode and specific agitation mode .

  30. 从产量结构看每穗成粒数是主要原因,平均优势分别为11.6%和9.8%;

    From the aspect of yield components , the increase of seeds per panicle contributed the most , with average dominants 11.6 % and 9.8 % , respectively ;