
  1. 自17世纪60年代英国入侵特拉华并成功从荷兰手中夺取此地起,特拉华的处境就一直颇为尴尬,它位于宾夕法尼亚州与马里兰州之间,但既不单独成州,也不属于任何州。

    After the British invaded the region and stole it from the Dutch in the 1660s , the Delaware territory was juggled between Maryland and Pennsylvania .

  2. 中国古代行政区划概况:说明了行政区划始于大禹时代最早有九州之分,后来经过拆分则演燮成十二州。

    The overview of administrative divisions on ancient Chinese : the administrative division began with Yu times , the earliest distinguish of " Kyushu ", and later was evolved as " 12 states " through the split .

  3. 我们的国家划分成50个州,1个哥伦比亚特区。

    Our nation is divided into fifty states along with the District of Columbia .

  4. 所有都被标记成红色的州,这就是官员们报告的流感广泛爆发的地方。

    all those states in red , that 's where officials are reporting widespread outbreaks of the flu .

  5. 自那以后,她成了密西西比州克利夫兰市农夫市集的志愿者管理者。

    Since then , she has become a volunteer manager at the farmers ' market in Cleveland , Miss .

  6. 诚然,清教徒早先在英国是一支持不同教见的派别,但他们到了美国后就成了马萨诸塞州的主流教派。

    To be sure , the Puritans had been a dissenting sect in England , but they became an established church in Massachusetts .

  7. 生活的色彩:绿色。山谷雕刻成上面的堪萨斯州的Texaco丘陵,部分的Tallgrass大草原国家保存。

    Life in Color : Green Valleys carve up Kansas'Texaco Hill , part of the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve .

  8. 但是综合在一起,它们就成了这一州的经济命脉,为这一州带来了巨大经济效益的同时,也成为了人们的谈资。

    But taken together , they 're a big part of the nation 's economic engine that people are always talking about .

  9. 主持人:可如果你把地球科学家理查德·阿利也考虑进去,一首关于爱情的歌曲就成了美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学初学阶段的地质专业学生的学习工具。

    Host : But when you factor geoscientist Richard B.Alley into the equation , a song about love becomes a learning tool for budding geology students at Penn State University .

  10. 应用1998年烟草和解协议补偿款来减少人们特别是年轻人中的吸烟率,成了两个州的谎言。

    THE USE OF billions in payments from the1998 tobacco settlement to bring down the incidence of smoking , especially among young people , is a tale of two states .