
xì xuè
  • banter;joke;raillery;crack jokes
戏谑 [xì xuè]
  • [banter;joke] 用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑

  • 祢衡戏谑主公,何不杀之。——《三国演义》

戏谑[xì xuè]
  1. 他的口气是半戏谑半认真的。

    His tone contained the right mixture of banter and seriousness .

  2. 她没有搭理他的戏谑。

    She ignored the banter .

  3. 有位朋友戏谑地称它为“避难所”,然后这个名称就沿用了下来。

    A friend dubbed it ' The Sanctuary ' and the name stuck .

  4. “可是我们现在玩得很开心,不是吗?”他戏谑地笑着抗议道。

    ' But we 're having such fun , aren 't we ? ' he protested with a teasing smile

  5. “我感到怀疑,”利·马洛里用浓厚的戏谑语调说。

    " I wonder ," said Leigh Mallory in a heavily jesting tone .

  6. 别认为这些话都是戏谑之言;请相信你们给我带来了莫大的快乐以及我对你们的深切感谢。

    Don 't take all this too jocosely , but believe in the extreme pleasure you have caused me , and in the affectionate feelings .

  7. 他好开玩笑,把一切都变成了戏谑。

    He was so facetious that he turned everything into a joke .

  8. 当我们在讨论如此严肃的问题的时候,这种戏谑的言辞是不恰当的。

    The persiflage is not appropriate when we are discussing such serious problems .

  9. 将……蒙起以使声音低沉她用一温暖的围巾围起脖子,以免感冒。n.戏谑;

    muffle She muffled her throat in a warm scarf not to catch a cold .

  10. 在《反脆弱性:无序的收获》(Antifragile:ThingsThatGainFromDisorder)一书中,纳西姆·塔勒布戏谑地写道,比起自己国家总统的名字,瑞士的老百姓们反倒更熟悉法国总统和美国总统的名字。

    Inantifragile : things that gain from disorder , Nassim Taleb jokes that the average Swiss citizen can name the presidents of France and the United States before they can name their own .

  11. 年仅五岁时,他便已然开始踏上通往巅峰的道路。因为一曲同兄弟们一起创作的《ClimbEveryMountain》,他被大众戏谑地称为“JacksonFive”。

    He began his rise to the top at the tender age of five when he performed the song , " Climb Every Mountain " with his brothers as part of the iconic " Jackson Five . "

  12. 戏拟(parody)是一种古老而崭新的艺术手法,它通过对原有艺术作品的戏谑性模仿,来实现对传统艺术形式的批判与更新。

    Parody is an ancient art technique , and it is a forceful critic tool to criticize the conventional art genre and regenerate them .

  13. 前任保守党大臣安·威德库姆曾因外表而遭戏谑,后来她参加BBC《一起来跳舞》节目时,明显瘦多了。

    Former Tory Minister Ann Widdecombe was criticised for her appearance and subsequently lost weight when she appeared on the BBC 's Strictly Come Dancing show .

  14. 莫迪亚诺1968年因出版小说《星形广场》(LaPlacedeL'Etoile)首度成名。他的很多虚构作品都深入挖掘“二战”后人们所面临的道德困境,也有些作品戏谑地使用侦探小说形式。

    Mr. Modiano first rose to prominence in 1968 , with the publication of his novel " La Place de L'Etoile . " Many of his fictional works delve into the moral dilemmas that citizens faced during World War II , and some play with the detective genre .

  15. 周一晚上,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿中国设计师郭培设计的黄色皮毛镶边绸缎礼服出席大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚宴(MetGala),成为Twitter上的热议话题,人们戏谑地把这件礼服与煎蛋饼和披萨相比较。

    When Rihanna wore a fur-trimmed yellow satin gown by the Chinese-born designer Guo Pei to the Met Gala on Monday night , it became the talk of Twitter , which erupted with jokey comparisons to omelets and pizzas .

  16. 今年5月份,零售网站Net-a-Porter开始提供洛杉矶设计师布赖恩・利希滕贝格(BrianLichtenberg)设计的运动衫,它们戏谑地运用了爱马仕(Hermes)和Celine等令人梦寐以求的品牌的标识。

    In May , retail website Net-a-Porter began to stock Los Angeles designer Brian Lichtenberg 's sweatshirts , which play on the logos of coveted brands including Hermes and Celine .

  17. 我们坚持将它戏谑地发音为“in-foof”,而不是“info-of”。

    We whimsically insist that it be pronounced " in-foof ", not " info-of " .

  18. 当时的社会喜剧精神活跃,盛行着幽默戏谑风气。

    At that time , the comedy spirit was very active .

  19. 书里的戏谑成分使严肃部分受到损害。

    The burlesque element weakens the serious portions of the book .

  20. 他好开玩笑,把一切都变成戏谑。

    He is so facetious that he turn everything into a joke .

  21. 20世纪90年代中国油画艺术的戏谑性思潮探考

    The Bantering Trend of the Chinese Oil-painting in 1990 's

  22. 林肯本人运用“戏谑式”幽默也得心应手。

    Lincoln himself was highly skillful in the use of tongue-in-cheek humor .

  23. 滑稽的他好开玩笑,把一切都变成戏谑。

    He is so facetious that he turns everything into a joke .

  24. 改变主意常被戏谑地称为女人的特权。

    Changing her mind is often jokingly called a women 's prerogative .

  25. 她戏谑地取笑同事们的喝咖啡时间总是很长;

    Bantered with her colleagues about their long coffee breaks ;

  26. 试析米兰·昆德拉小说的戏谑性改编

    On Adaptation of Jocosity in Milan Kundera 's Novels

  27. 指在文本中运用充满文学游戏以及各种具有戏谑性的修辞进行的叙事。

    The style of the text is playful owing to numerous literary games .

  28. 这并不是因为它们具有戏谑性。

    It isn 't because they 're poking fun .

  29. 我们在婚姻问题上戏谑了他。

    We bantered him on the subject of marriage .

  30. 善戏谑的彼拉多曾说:真理是什么呢?

    What is truth ; said jesting pilate ;