
  1. 略论中国戏曲文学中的负心男子形象

    Discussion on the Figures of Ungrateful Men in Chinese Opera Literature

  2. 新时期戏曲文学创作的成就与缺失

    Achievements and Inadequacies of Operatic Creation in the New Period

  3. 第三,拓宽了戏曲文学的批评空间。

    Thirdly , the space of critical literature of opera was greatly widened .

  4. 论古典戏曲文学的意境

    On the Artistic Conception of Classical Traditional Opera Literature

  5. 戏曲文学与表演艺术的关系

    The Relationship between Opera Literature and Performance Art

  6. 同时公案戏采用宾白和曲词叙事,体现出了戏曲文学叙事的特点。

    Meanwhile detective drama spoken parts and lyrics using narrative , reflecting the characteristics of literary narrative drama .

  7. 中国古代戏曲文学作品中,元杂剧和明传奇是戏曲艺术的两座高峰。

    Chinese Ancient Opera Literature in Yuan Dynasty and Ming legend , are the art of opera two peaks .

  8. 奠定了明清忠奸斗争剧的基本模式,揭开了中国古代戏曲文学史上新的一页。

    It established a basic paradigm of the drama of showing the struggle between loyal officials and treacherous ones and opened a new chapter in the history of Chinese traditional opera literature .

  9. 历来中国文学史在戏曲文学方面空白颇多,本文也意在进一步引起人们对古典戏曲丰厚遗产的关注。

    Chinese literature history always has quite many blanks in Chinese traditional opera literature , therefore , this book expects to arose people 's concern to the rich legacy of classical Chinese traditional opera .

  10. 《西厢记》是中国古典戏剧中一颗灿烂的明珠,为历代戏曲文学爱好者所珍爱。

    The Romance of West Chamber , one of the most valuable literary pearls of classical Chinese drama , has been read and loved by literary fans from the time it came to light .

  11. 现代戏曲文学与中国现代社会的发展有紧密的对应关系,艺术表现方式上也呈现了十足的现代性,在中国现代文化观演现实中占有举足轻重的地位。

    With strong features of modernity in its artistic presentation modes , modern opera has been keeping a close corresponding relation with social development and playing a pivotal role in the evolution of modern Chinese cultural conception .

  12. 把现代戏曲文学纳入到现代文学史研究的范畴中来,对认识传统文学资源的价值、开拓文学研究的视野、促进中国现代戏剧文学的发展具有重要意义。

    The introduction of opera literature into modern literary study will surely be of great help to the better understanding of the value of traditional literary resources , of a wider literary study vision and the development of modern opera .

  13. 如果说戏曲文学史是静态的、平面的、文学意义上的戏曲史,那么戏曲演出史则是动态的、立体的、艺术意义上的戏曲史。

    If we see the literary history of traditional opera as static , one-dimensional history in the sense of literature of traditional operas , the performing history of traditional operas should be dynamic , three-dimensional one in the sense of art .

  14. 意在从宋元剧诗的典范之作中,发掘和归纳古典剧诗的优秀经验,以进一步促进和发扬我们民族戏剧的优良传统,以期能对当今的戏曲文学创作起到微薄的借鉴作用。

    This book is in order to explore and conclude the excellent experience of classical Chinese opera poem from Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty , furthermore , promote and develop our national traditional drama , consequently could play a role for reference to the current literary creation of our opera .

  15. 古代戏曲是文学、音乐、舞蹈的艺术综合,也是古代各民族文化融合的艺术结晶。

    Ancient opera is the artistic integration of literature , music and dance , and is also the artistic result of the cultural merge between all nationalities in ancient times .

  16. 周贻白提出的戏剧本为上演而设,非奏之场上不为功的原则贯穿于周贻白的整个中国戏剧史研究之中,从而扭转了自王国维以来视戏曲为文学的研究模式。

    Principle on " drama designs to perform originally , especially for theater " that Zhou Yibai put forward runs through his whole studying in the history of Chinese opera , and changes the research mode that Wang Guowei has started .

  17. 明清时期文言小说、白话小说、戏曲等文学样式中的大量作品都是在前代文学基础上的再创作,其中不乏优影响极为广泛的优秀作品,如三言等。

    It has some classical novels , vernacular fiction , drama and other literary style of a large number of literary works are based on the previous generation of re-creation , many of them excellent effects of the extensive good works , such as " Sanyan " and so on .

  18. 中国古典白话叙事文学包括小说、戏曲、说唱文学等多种样式。

    The Chinese ancient vernacular Narrative literature including novels , dramas , rap literature and many other kind of styles .

  19. 元杂剧戏中之梦作为中国戏曲和梦文学的交汇点,在内容和形式诸多方面存在自身的特点,具有一定的学术研究价值。

    Yuan-Dynasty drama " dream in play " , as the meeting point of Chinese opera and dream literature , has own characteristics in many aspects of the content and form .

  20. 引雅入教&地方戏曲资源向古代文学教学的渗透

    Directing the Elegance into Teaching & Local drama resources permeating ancient literature teaching

  21. 这对中国京剧、中国戏曲史乃至中国文学史的深化发展,都提供了新的资料和线索。

    This offers new means and clues to the further development of Peking Opera history , traditional opera , even Chinese literary history as well .

  22. 尾声一词广泛地运用于戏曲、音乐、文学及日常生活中,它看似微不足道,实则意义重大。

    The coda of the term widely used in opera , music , literature and daily life , it seems insignificant , but in fact of great significance .

  23. 在中国戏曲史中,戏曲文学史与戏曲演出史是两个密不可分的部分。

    In the history of traditional Chinese operas , the literary history of traditional operas and the performing history of traditional operas are too inseparable parts .

  24. 对越中派的研究,有利于进一步梳理澄清明代戏曲理论史和戏曲文学史发展的脉络和轮廓,并促进人们对该派的了解和发现。

    The research into this school can further crystallize the history of drama theory history of both Qing and Ming Dynasty and promote people 's understanding and discovery of this school .

  25. 戏曲导演应将戏曲文本的文学诗化为舞台形象的动作诗,即将诗的底蕴挖出做程式性处理。

    So drama directors should change dramatic literature written in words into another artistic form expressed by stage figures , which makes people feel the rhyme of poems through performance of actors .

  26. 它保存了大量的戏曲史料,选本价值重大,有助认识和研究明代文学的发展,尤其是戏曲文学的发展变迁。

    It saves a lot of historical drama and the value of " Qin Yin Lei Xuan " is significant . It will help understand the development of the Ming Dynasty literature , especially the development and changes of opera literature .

  27. 《中国大百科全书·戏曲·曲艺》卷概论把地方戏特征看作全部戏曲的特征,混淆了戏曲发展的文学阶段与非文学阶段的区别。

    Encyclopedia Sinica : Operas and Quyi Forms , Introductory Volume takes the features of local operas for those of all types of opera , thus misrepresenting the differences between the literary stage and non-literary stage of the development of opera .