
  • 网络Slow Train
  1. 而大苹果高达90度的气温则被归咎于国家最繁忙的铁路线最慢火车服务的根本原因。

    Temperature at Big Apple at 90 is being blamed for slower train service on the nations ' busiest rail corridors .

  2. 例如,英国的部分地区担心新建的高速铁路会使一些城市成为拥有更少的车次和更慢火车的二线城市。

    Parts of Britain , for example , fear that a new zippy railway will create a second tier of cities supplied by fewer and slower trains .

  3. “我称之为一个慢动作火车事故,”詹姆斯Sprayregen,在凯易律师事务所合伙人埃利斯重组,在纽约表示。

    " I call it a slow-motion train wreck ," James Sprayregen , a restructuring partner at law firm Kirkland & Ellis , said in New York .

  4. 我宁可坐最慢的火车去也不乘飞机去。

    Rather than go by air , I 'd take the slowest train .

  5. 我宁可乘坐最慢的火车也不愿坐飞机去那儿。

    I / 'd take the slowest train rather than go there by air .

  6. 它是一列慢蒸汽火车并且需要大约四个半小时。

    It was a slow steam train and took about four and a half hours .

  7. 我和我的家人最近乘坐从北京到上海的“慢”火车。

    My family and I recently traveled from Beijing to shanghai by the " slow " train .

  8. 我们的旅行很慢,因为火车在不同的村庄频繁地停车。

    Our journey was slow because the train stopped_continually__at different villages .

  9. 这出“希腊大戏”看起来就像是一场慢动作的火车相撞事故。

    The Greek drama is looking like a slow motion train crash .

  10. 自行车很慢,而火车快。

    A bike runs very slowly , but a train is fast .

  11. 我们正目睹一场慢动作的火车失事。

    We are watching a slow-motion train wreck .

  12. 如果你仔细审视希腊债务危机就像用慢镜头观看火车相撞事故那样你不禁会问:欧洲的团结到底出现了什么问题?

    Watching the slow-motion train crash that is the Greek debt crisis invites the question as to whatever happened to European solidarity .

  13. 但这似乎不太可能。欧元区外围国家和西班牙危机就像是一场慢镜头中的火车相撞事故。

    The eurozone periphery and Spanish crisis look like a slow motion train wreck .