
yú rén jié
  • April Fools' Day
愚人节 [yú rén jié]
  • [April Fools' Day] 每年的4月1日,在这一天可以愚弄那些容易受骗上当的人

  1. 什么是愚人节?它的由来又是什么?

    What is April Fools Day and what are its origins ?

  2. 现如今,愚人节已经演变成国际性的娱乐节日,不同的国家用不同的方式庆祝它。

    April Fools Day has now developed into an international festival of fun , with different nationalities celebrating the day in a special ways .

  3. 愚人节真有趣!

    It was a really fun April Fool 's Day !

  4. 四月一日,愚人节,朋友们互相捉弄。

    On April 1st , April Fools Day , friends play fun tricks on each other .

  5. 他选择四月的最后一天作为诚实日,因为四月的第一天是愚人节,那一天人们会庆祝谎言。

    He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fools ' Day , which celebrates lies .

  6. 在法国,愚人节被称作AprilFish。

    In France , the April Fool 's is called April Fish ( Poisson d'Avril ) .

  7. 上周日,Google在其网站上发布了一条愚人节恶搞新闻,自称开发了一种能通过厕所上网的最新上网方式。

    Google announced a novel way to access the Internet via the toilet in an April Fool 's Day gag on its website Sunday .

  8. 每年这个时候,谷歌(Google)的愚人节游戏已成为一项传统,即使在中国也是这样。

    The Google April Fool 's Day joke has become something of a tradition at this time of the year , even in China .

  9. 这不是四月愚人节所开的玩笑,今天的CNN学生新闻会为您带来相关详细报道。

    It 's not an April Fools'joke , it 's coming today on CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  10. 这本是一个愚人节玩笑,但爱尔兰一名职业赌马者PaddyPower提出的举办世界上最大规模的“脱衣扑克牌大赛”的建议将在下个月变为现实。

    DUBLIN ( Reuters ) - It started as an April Fool 's joke but an Irish bookmaker 's proposal to hold the world 's biggest strip poker contest will become reality next month .

  11. OMEGA愚人节的誓言

    Omega : oath of April Fools'Day

  12. Don'tBeanAprilFool!整人有理,只在愚人节!如果4月1号早上你看到地上有些钱,在把它捡起来之前你要三思。

    If it is the morning of April 1 and you see some money on the ground , perhaps you should think twice before you pick it up .

  13. 中国互联网上最知名的微博作者之一、前谷歌公司(Google)中国区总裁李开复周一上午开了中国最尖锐的愚人节玩笑之一。

    One of the Chinese Internet 's most popular microbloggers , former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee , became the perpetrator of one of the country 's most pointed April Fool 's jokes on Monday morning .

  14. Yo在今年愚人节首发。一开始,苹果手机应用商店以没有实质内容为由拒绝发布;直到今天,仍有不少人认为这个应用就是个玩笑。

    When Yo was launched on April Fools ' Day this year , the Apple App Store at first rejected it on the grounds that it lacked substance .

  15. Yo在今年愚人节首发。一开始,苹果手机应用商店以“没有实质内容”为由拒绝发布;

    When Yo was launched on April Fools " Day this year , the Apple App Store at first rejected it on the grounds that it lacked substance .

  16. 因为一种叫做Conficker的计算机蠕虫病毒将会在愚人节袭来。

    Because a worldwide virus called Conficker could come to life tomorrow , April Fool 's Day .

  17. 应当补充的是,Koko,今天不是4月1日,这不是一个愚人节的故事。

    And I should add , Koko , that it 's not April 1st , that 's not an April Fool 's story .

  18. 收购独立大钟:1996年愚人节,TacoBell公司在6家主流报纸上刊登广告,声称要购买美国著名的独立大钟并将其改名为Taco独立大钟。

    Taco Liberty Bell On April 1 , 1996 , Taco Bell Corporation took out an ad in six major newspapers to say that it was buying the Liberty Bell and renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell .

  19. 她是在4月1日愚人节在鲁迪卧室里的壁橱抽屉里出生的。她有着如此与喵不同的出生经历,不久鲁迪又发现她最爱坐在他肩膀上休息,所以他决定训练MJ陪他一起去上班。

    Born in a closet drawer in Rudi 's bedroom on April Fools , she had an unusual start , and after Rudi discovered her favourite spot to rest was his shoulders he decided to train her to accompany him to work .

  20. 佩尔松经常写博客、在Twitter上发帖子。2011年,他宣布已将Mojang卖给帕克,引起轩然大波,后来才告诉大家那是个愚人节的玩笑。

    An active blogger and presence on Twitter , he created a stir in 2011 when he announced he had sold Mojang to Mr Parker , only to say later it was an April Fool 's joke .

  21. 每年的愚人节对H1B签证申请人可谓一场玩笑!此签证允许美国公司赞助高学历外藉人士在美国工作三年左右。

    Consider the annual April Fool 's joke played on applicants for H1B visas , which allow companies to sponsor highly-educated foreigners to work in America for three years or so .

  22. 尼克松又上台了:1992年愚人节,NPR广播台在节目中宣布理查德-尼克松将再次竞选美国总统,竞选口号是:我没有做错任何事,也不会再做错任何事。

    Nixon for President On April 1 , 1992 , broadcast of NPR 's Talk of the Nation revealed that Richard Nixon was running for president again under a slogan that said , I didn 't do anything wrong , and I won 't do it again .

  23. 1995年愚人节,《发现》杂志公布,一位德高望重的、名叫AprilePazzo(意大利语:愚人节)的生物学家在南极洲发现了一种名叫热裸体钻冰虫的新物种。

    Discover Magazine announced in1995 that a highly respected biologist , Aprile Pazzo ( Italian for April Fool ), had discovered a new species in Antarctica : the hotheaded naked ice borer .

  24. 在愚人节这一天,恶作剧是很平常的事。

    April Fool 's Day is a " for-fun-only " observance .

  25. 哦,我都等不及想过愚人节了!

    Oh , I can 't wait for the April Fools'Day .

  26. 四月的第1天是愚人节。

    April Fools ' Day is the first day of April .

  27. 我还决定开始做愚人节恶作剧。

    I also decided to start playing April Fool 's pranks .

  28. 你总是盼望着愚人节的到来吗?

    Do you always look forward to April Fool 's Day ?

  29. 是的!但是现在各个国家都会用自己的方法来庆祝愚人节。

    Yes ! But now each country celebrates April Fools'Day differently .

  30. 在英国,愚人节时,大家只是在早上互相开玩笑。

    In England , people play jokes only in the morning .