
  • 网络conscious process;Unconscious;unconscious process;nonconscious process
  1. 学习与记忆中无意识过程的整合取向研究

    Unconscious Processes in Learning and Memory : An Integrated Approach

  2. 选择性注意中意识与无意识过程分离的实验研究

    Experimental study of the dissociations between conscious and unconscious processes in selective attention

  3. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  4. 内隐理论在无意识过程中指导着教师的日常教学活动。

    Latent theory guides teachers ' daily teaching activity without their awareness .

  5. 在过去20年间,社会心理学(社会认知)研究经历了重大的范式转变,研究者更为重视个体社会认知加工中的无意识过程的作用。

    In the past 20 years , Social psychologists have witnessed an important shift .

  6. 在弗洛伊德心理分析中,凝缩这个术语被用来形容最基本的无意识过程之一。

    In Freudian psychoanalysis , condensation is a term used to describe one of the fundamental unconscious process ;

  7. 由于美国和其他地区的刺激政策而导致的亚洲股市上涨很可能加快这种意识过程。

    A rally in Asian stock markets resulting from stimulus in the US and elsewhere may well accelerate this realisation .

  8. 二语学习是无意识过程好还是有意识过程效率更高?长期以来这是一个备受争议的问题。

    In second language teaching methodology ," real-life " communicative use of language has long receivedmuch attention and conscious learning is thus more or less supposed to be irrelevant .

  9. 视觉反向掩蔽现象和掩蔽启动现象涉及视知觉、瞬时记忆、注意与意识过程,并成为典型范式应用于心理学研究。

    AIM : Both backward masking and masked priming involve visual perception , sensory memory , attention and consciousness processes . And they have become typical paradigms used in many psychological researches .

  10. 对篮球运动员意识过程的构成要素进行总结与归纳,明确了意识过程的概念模式,以期为篮球意识训练提供理论依据。

    This article clarifies the concept of consciousness process by summarizing the constituent elements of basketball players ' consciousness process , and then it gives a clear theoretical gist for basketball consciousness training .

  11. 它是从生活中看得见、摸得着、感受得到的事物里,抽取共通点,转化为发声技巧,引导于实际训练的意识过程。

    It is a conscious process in which you can get the common character from true things in the daily life , then change into vocalism skills , and lead to practical training .

  12. 元认知指一个人对自己的认知活动的知识和意识过程,也指一个人检验、调整和评价自己思维的能力。

    Metacongtive is one 's knowledge and sense process of one 's own cognitive action while it is one 's competent of centering , evaluating , adjusting , arranging and planning to one 's thinking .

  13. 面对微妙、复杂、精致的整个视知觉结构及复杂结构中的心理意识过程,是处于表层有意识的直觉与深藏于潜在结构中的无意识能动作用的结果。

    Faced with the delicate , complicated and fine structure of the sense of view and feeling , it is the conscious intuition in the surface layer and the unconsciousness in latent structure that react with each other .

  14. 符号学的基本观点认为,人的意识过程就是一个符号化的过程,思维是对符号的一种组合、转换和再生的操作过程,这使得符号成为人类认识事物的媒介。

    The basic ideas of semiotics that consciousness is a symbol of the process , thinking is a combination of symbols , and transform the regeneration process , this makes the symbol of human knowledge become the medium of things .

  15. 而真正成为国际理解教育障碍的差异,并非事物本身具有的多样性意义上的差异,而是人们为确立自身,在建立自我意识过程中,有意构筑并传承的差异。

    And the real difference that causes the barrier to education for international understanding is not the one that is presented in the diversity of objects themselves , but the one that people construct and pass on consciously in the process of self establishment and self-awareness building .

  16. 把作品整个呈现出来是一个显示出强烈自我意识的过程。

    Putting the work together is a very self-conscious process .

  17. 结果(1)丙泊酚镇静期BIS、AEPI逐渐降低,苏醒期逐渐升高(P<0.01),而AEPI则在意识转换过程中变化更敏感(P<0.01)。

    Results ( 1 ) During sedation and emergence from anesthesia , the values of BIS and AEPI gradually decreased and increased respectively , in which the change of AEPI was more sensitive than that of BIS ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 当你写字的时候,因为这是一个有意识的过程,

    When you write , because it 's a conscious process ,

  19. 末日意识腐败过程的二元主体分析

    The Analysis of the Two Subjects in the Course of Corruption

  20. 本文以电脑理论为基础建立意识思维过程的模型。

    A model of thinking was established according to computer theory .

  21. 试图减少或降低本能欲望的一种无意识的过程。

    An unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires .

  22. 而这个过程也是其形成女性意识的过程。

    And her development process is also the process of her formation of feminine consciousness .

  23. 当你写字的时候,因为这是一个有意识的过程,因为你可以回顾过去,

    When you write , because it 's a conscious process , because you can look backwards ,

  24. 本研究的着重点是解决文化意识培养过程中遇到的实际问题。

    The focus of the study is how to practically solve the problems in cultivating EFL learners'cultural awareness .

  25. 男:这就是为什么,就像我刚才说的,学习是一个有意识的过程。

    M : That 's why , as I said just now , learning is a conscious process .

  26. “这是一个无意识的过程,”老多米尼亚大学的心理学家汤姆。凯施说。

    " It 's a non-conscious process ," said Tom Cash , a psychologist at Old Dominion University .

  27. 基于级次与标准概念的意识活动过程是人类基本的认知模式。

    The activities of consciousness based on the gradation and norm concepts are basic cognitive models of human beings .

  28. 这是一个由物质到意识的过程,也是一个由量的积累到质的飞跃过程。

    This is a matter to the consciousness of the process , is a process of accumulation to a qualitative leap .

  29. 我很乐观,因为我认为人们,刚刚开始经历意识觉醒过程。

    I 'm very optimistic , cause I think we 're just now about to go through the awareness tipping process .

  30. 略论我国社会转型期公民政治意识嬗变过程中的功利观

    A Brief Discussion on the People 's Concept of Utility in the Course of Evolution of the Citizens ' Political Sense During the Social Transformation