
  • 网络penne;pasta;spaghetti;macaroni;Italian pasta
  1. 最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗。

    Favorite Food : Ice Cream , Pasta , Hot Dogs .

  2. 把意大利通心粉倒入带盖的锅中用盐水煮15分钟。

    Boil the pasta in a saucepan of salted water for15 minutes .

  3. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  4. 小麦是他们用来做意大利通心粉和谷类食品的原料。

    Wheat 's the stuff they use to make spaghetti and cereal .

  5. 我们准备了炸鸡、意大利通心粉和奶酪,还有甜点。

    We had fried chicken and macaroni and cheese .

  6. 有些东西很好,但我不大喜欢意大利通心粉。

    Some things were quite nice , but I didn 't care much for the macaroni dishes .

  7. 意大利通心粉和烤猪肉使我流口水了。她说得一口又流利又地道的法语。

    The spaghetti and roast pork are making my mouth water . She speaks fluent and idiomatic French .

  8. 他最喜欢吃的是白汁意大利通心粉,但是鉴于他喜欢所有的好吃的食品,所以他喜欢所有的传统意大利食品。

    His favourite dish is pasta alla carbonara but as he loves good food in general he adores all traditional Italian dishes .

  9. 预计最近价格的上涨将导致食品价格走高,受影响的食品包括面包、早餐麦片、比萨饼和意大利通心粉等。

    The latest rise is expected to lead to higher food prices , affecting bread , breakfast cereals , pizzas and pasta .

  10. 答案可能会是日餐、印度或马来菜肴,但意大利通心粉、比萨、炸玉米饼或墨西哥卷往往不在其中。

    There might be Japanese dishes , Indian or Malay . But spaghetti , pizza , tacos or burritos are not usually there .

  11. 点评:这款酒搭配的食物比较广泛,尤其是西红柿意大利通心粉、烤肉等。

    Note : This wine is a perfect match for a wide range od foods , particularly tomato-based pasta dishes , poultry and grilled meats .

  12. 加入鸡汤、蘑菇汁和奶油。浓缩1/4然后加入鸡肉和意大利通心粉,最后加入蛋黄。

    Add chicken stock , juice from the mushrooms , and cream . Reduce 1 / 4 then add chicken and pasta inside and finish with the egg yolk .

  13. 妈妈的意大利蔬菜通心粉汤的配料并无定规。它总是在不断的改善之中。

    There was no recipe for her minestrone soup . It was always a work in progress .

  14. 形态体式各异的意大利“通心粉”此刻被用来描述那些外貌光鲜明丽而本一无可取的。

    Macaroni , the name of pasta in any of various hollow shapes , is now used to describe people who are impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance .