
  • 网络Panic Disorder;panic attack;susto
  1. 患有惊恐症的人遭受一次次强烈恐怖感觉的打击,并且这种打击突如其来,没有一点迹象。

    People with panic disorder suffer attacks of intense feelings of terror that strike suddenly with no warning .

  2. 在她张口之前我就知道发生了什么,我歇斯底里,惊恐症发作,并几近晕厥,医护人员不得不把我安排在医生办公室的一个单独房间里。

    I knew before she told me : I screamed and had to be put in a separate room at the doctor 's office because I had a panic attack and nearly fainted .

  3. 但在私底下,他们饱受惊恐症和失眠的困扰,很自卑,甚至会想到自杀。

    But underneath3 they are suffering secret panic attacks , insomnia4 , crushing low self-esteem and even suicidal thoughts .

  4. 产妇惊恐症与妊娠并发症及分娩结局的关系

    Association between maternal panic disorders and pregnancy complications and delivery outcomes

  5. 台湾惊恐症及其求医行为的社会文化因素研究

    The Social Cultural Factor Study of Phobic Anxiety Disorder and Its Medical Consultation Behavior in Taiwan