
  • 网络Melodrama;Drama;melodramatic
  1. 剧情从喜剧逐渐发展为情节剧,最后又演变为悲剧。

    The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy .

  2. 它使用英语对白,有各种口音,夹杂着约翰·福斯克(JohnFusco)生硬的台词,让人觉得好像是一出发生在异国他乡的老式好莱坞情节剧。

    It 's an English-language production , and the variety of accents coupled with John Fusco 's stilted dialogue call to mind an old Hollywood melodrama set in exotic lands .

  3. 朱莉安·摩尔(JulianneMoore)或许是最大赢家之一,她靠情节剧《依然是爱丽丝》(StillAlice)和黑暗喜剧《星图》(MapstotheStars)获得两项最佳女主演提名;

    The biggest winners included Julianne Moore , a double best actress nominee , for " Still Alice , " a drama , " and " Maps to the Stars , " a dark comedy ;

  4. 之后,宾客们观看了开幕电影《安静的前哨》(AQuietOutpost),这是一部反映俄罗斯战争的情节剧,带有沙文色彩,赞美军队,以30分钟血腥的战争镜头告终。

    Guests then sat for the opening film , " A Quiet Outpost , " a jingoistic Russian war drama that was a paean to the military and ended with a gory 30-minute battle sequence .

  5. 社会与主体性:中国情节剧的政治经济学

    Society and Subjectivity : The Political Economy of the Chinese Melodrama

  6. 他情节剧般地演讲着并伴有激情而夸张的动作。

    His melodramatic speech was delivered with passionate and exaggerated gestures .

  7. 别跟我们来这套荒唐的情节剧表演!

    We really don 't need all this ridiculous melodrama !

  8. 郑正秋:伦理情节剧电影传统的开拓者

    Zheng Zhengqiu : the Pioneer of Tradition of Film for Ethics Fiction

  9. 中国伦理情节剧电影的情感化审美特征

    Examining the Emotionalized Aesthetic Features of the Chinese Movies with Ethic Scenario

  10. 埃及情节剧〉,摘自《媒体世界》。

    Abu-Lughod , Lila . " Egyptian Melodrama . " In Media Worlds .

  11. 中美情节剧电影表演艺术发展历史探析

    Analysis of the Historical Development of the Performing Arts on Sino-US Drama Film

  12. 我们看的是情节剧,不是悲剧。

    Instead of tragedy , we got melodrama .

  13. 中西情节剧电影的历史演进及文化意味比较

    A Comparison between Chinese and Western Melodrama Films in Their Development and Cultural Meaning

  14. 一重大谋杀案审判中的情节剧式的场面

    All the melodrama of a major murder trial

  15. 然而,《暮光之城》系列电影一贯能够将情节剧与超自然的震慑力结合得十分巧妙。

    However , the Twilight films always manage to cleverly blend melodrama with supernatural thrills .

  16. 我是水中的冰块,我是一出情节剧,说着。

    I am wonderful ice in the wdined onr , I am a melodrama , say .

  17. 在比赛中的第一个长长的流行情节剧的海盗主题。

    The play was the first in a long line of popular melodramas with piratical themes .

  18. 我喜爱维多利亚时代的情节剧。

    I love Victorian melodrama .

  19. 一种情节剧的平装小说。

    A melodramatic paperback novel .

  20. 那是老式情节剧的重现,很久以前,我曾怀着孩童的那种敬畏观看过。

    It was like the revival of an old melodrama that I had seen long ago with childish awe .

  21. 影片类型:情节剧、喜剧、动作片、犯罪片、警匪片、传记、音乐动画剧、心理恐怖片

    Genres : Drama , Comedy , Action , Crime Drama , Gangster Film , Biography , Animated Musical , Psychological Thriller

  22. 我想你该把这个戏称作情节剧它充满了单恋、不幸的死亡和铁石心肠的父母。

    I think you 'd call the play a melodrama-it 's full of unrequited love , unhappy deaths and unrelenting parents .

  23. 本片从未沦为情节剧,故事以讽刺性的曲解、史温顿出色的演技,令人回忆的摄影得到维系。

    Never sinking into melodrama , the story is buoyed by ironic twists , Swinton 's considerable acting ability , and evocative cinematography .

  24. 在那里,甚至曾一度出现过8家剧院,上演着意第绪语的音乐剧、时俗讽刺剧、纠人心扉的情节剧等作品。

    At one time there were even eight theaters in the area presenting Yiddish-language productions of musicals , revues , and heart-wrenching melodramas .

  25. 谢晋电影创作的三个阶段均有其代表性的作品,这些具有代表性的影片体现了中国电影伦理情节剧传统的最高成就。

    His three phases of creation all have masterpieces , which represent the highest peak in the film creation of the Chinese ethic melodrama .

  26. 要想变得更为放松,需要训练自己换一种方式对待生活中出现的种种事件——把生活中的“情节剧”变成一出温馨的戏剧。

    Being more relaxed involves training yourself to respond differently to the dramas of life ? ? turning your melodrama6 into a mellow ? drama7 .

  27. 情节剧,通俗闹剧以夸张的感情、老套的角色及人物之间的冲突为特征的戏剧,如话剧、电影或电视节目

    A drama , such as a play , film , or television program , characterized by exaggerated emotions , stereotypical characters , and interpersonal conflicts .

  28. 沃尔特·里卡莱利,土生都灵人,至今仍住在那里,曾学过艺术和戏剧,论文是情节剧的历史。

    Walter Riccarelli , a native of Turin where he still lives , studied art and theatre and wrote his dissertation on the history of melodrama .

  29. 有的论者也由此出发,批评它是情节剧小说模式的必然结果,它使小说的真实性大打折扣。

    Stemming from this opinion , some critics judge that it is an inevitable result of a melodrama and bound to weaken the authenticity of the story to a large extent .

  30. 虽然这部电影其实主要是部智力间谍情节剧,关于谈判与对话艺术的内容更多些,不过其中仍然有些间谍技巧让我非常兴奋。

    Even though this film was more of an intellectual spy drama , a little more about the art of negotiation and conversation , there was still spycraft that really got me excited .