
qínɡ bào yònɡ hù
  • information user
  1. 两级传播理论在情报用户研究中的引入

    On Introduction of Two-step Flow of Communication Theory into Information User Study

  2. 试论情报用户研究中受众理论的引入

    On Introducing the Audience Theory into Information User Study

  3. 我国社科情报用户研究进展

    Recent Advances in the Research of Information Users in Social Sciences

  4. 科学情报用户及其情报需求的理论探讨

    A Theoretical Approach on Science Information Users and Their Needs

  5. 棉花专业情报用户需求特点

    Characteristics of Needs of Information Users Specialized in Cotton

  6. 林业科研院所情报用户的情报需求及情报部门服务对策

    Information Requirements of Forestry Institute and Strategies Should be Adopted by Information Section

  7. 我省医学情报用户需求的初步调查

    Primary observation of information user in Qinghai Province

  8. 关于农业情报用户培训的途径与方法

    Approaches for the training of agricultural information users

  9. 论图书馆情报用户的信息能力障碍

    Library User 's Hindrance of Information Capturing Ability

  10. 网络环境下情报用户需求与图书馆信息资源开发

    Requirements of Information Users and Development of Library 's Information resources under Network Environment

  11. 农业情报用户情报需求研究述评

    Review of Information Requirements of Agro-information Users

  12. 情报用户心理分析

    The Analysis of Psychology of Information Users

  13. 我国黄金情报用户情报需求特点研究

    The characteristics study to the information needs for the user of gold industry in China

  14. 谈高校情报用户的管理

    Administration of the college information users

  15. 谈电子图书馆的情报用户教育

    Electronic library and information user education

  16. 本文首先提出加强农业情报用户培训的重要性;

    The importance to improve the training for agricultural information users is stressed in this paper .

  17. 情报用户需求与情报行为研究是情报学的一个重要研究领域。

    Research on user 's information requirements and information behavior is an important area in information service .

  18. 档案用户与图书情报用户的需求差异及原因剥析

    Analyzing the Difference of Demands for the Information between the Archives Users and the Library and Information Users and its Causes

  19. 本文从调查入手,用定性和定量手段研究了我省医学情报用户的情报需求特点和情报意识,分析了用户获取情报的方式、方法、目的及途径。

    This paper discusses the needs characteristics of medical information with qualitative and quantative methods , and analyzes the condition in utilizing medical information .

  20. 对与农业情报用户的情报需求相关的类型问题作了概述,提出将他们划分为六种类型。

    The article has outlined some matters related with information requirements by agro-information users , pointing out that these matters can be divided into 6 types .

  21. 本文主要结合工作实践,分析了棉花专业情报用户的现状和需求特点,以便为进一步搞好情报用户服务工作提供参考。

    Combined with practical experience , the article analysed present situation and the characteristics of needs of users specialized in cotton to provide the users with futher reference .

  22. 在分析林业科研院所两种不同类型情报用户情报需求的基础上,提出情报部门应采取强化对口服务的对策,以及为提高服务效力应采取的手段和措施。

    Through analyzing the two category information requirements of decision-making level and research level of forestry institute , the strategies adapted to each target group , should be adopted by the information section were worked out .

  23. 然而,以数据库为代表的网络信息资源在存储格式、显示方式、检索方式等方面存在着诸多不同及不可互操作等特点,成为了情报用户使用这些信息资源的障碍。

    But the networked information such as the databases have lots of differences in the format , representation , accessibility and interoperability , all these are becoming a bottleneck for the users to access these information .

  24. 分析了军队医学院校图书馆情报用户的现状,提出了分层次培训的内容和方法。

    The current status of information utilization in the libraries of the military medical colleges and universities is analyzed , and the contents and methods of the user training at different levels are discussed as well .

  25. 主要论述情报用户的心理特点、情报用户类型的划分;探讨情报用户的气质、态度、情绪对用户情报需求的影响,并提出改进工作的措施。

    Discusses the characteristics of psychology of information users , and the categories of information users inquires into the effects of temperament , manner and feeling on the needs of information users and then advances the measures to improve work .

  26. 分析了图书馆信息资源开发的现状,针对网络环境下情报用户的需求,提出了图书馆信息资源开发的策略。

    This paper analyses on the present situation of the development of library 's information resources , and puts forward some tactics for the development of library 's information resources according to the requirements of information users under network environment .

  27. 作者根据农业情报用户教育的现状,分别对从事科研、教育、管理工作的情报用户、农村情报用户和未来农业情报用户的培训对策作了阐述。

    In line with the present situation of the education for agricultural in - formation users , the authors have respectively explained the training counter - measures for the information users engaged in scientific and technological research , education and management and the current and future rural users .

  28. 本文叙述了一个图书文献情报多用户联机检索系统。

    This paper describes a multi-user on-line retrieval system , which was developed and used to process library document information in people 's university .

  29. 情报检索系统用户相关性判断的灰色聚类决策

    Grey Clustering Decision Method for Information End-User Relevance Judgments

  30. 注册获取对情报时事通讯的用户存取、特别成交&促进和免费的东西。

    Registration gains the user access to informative newsletters , special deals & promotions and freebies .