
  • 网络affect science
  1. 艺术强调形式和情感,科学强调精确和方法。

    Art emphasizes form and emotion , science emphasizes precise and method .

  2. 本文着重阐述了道德情感、科学文化知识及实践锻炼对学生形成良好道德素质的重要作用。

    The paper expounds that morality feelings , scientific cultural knowledge and practice play an important role in forming good moral character in students .

  3. 它融合了艺术的情感与科学的理智,同时受环境、社会形态、文化观念以及经济等多方面的制约和影响,它是功能与形式,艺术与技术结合的创造性的设计活动。

    It combines art emotion and science reason , at the same time affected by environmental , social patterns , cultural values , as well as a wide range of economic and other constraints and influences .

  4. 这一研究发表在《社会认知与情感神经科学》的期刊上,报告指出:人们去电影院看电影的时候,他们期待的是一种积极的主观的情感分享体验。

    The study , published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , said : ' When people go to the cinema to watch a film , they * anticipate a positive subjective impact of sharing this emotional experience . '

  5. 人类用色彩来传递各种各样的情感,而科学的色彩情感设计又使我们的生活更加完美和舒适。

    People express different emotions with different colors and scientific designs of colors also make our lives more perfect and comfortable .

  6. 道德情感培育与科学文化知识的传授有联系也有区别。

    There are differences as well as connections between the morality and emotion education and the teaching of scientific and cultural knowledge .

  7. 也只有这样才能使声乐教学本身能够集艺术性、情感性、科学性于一身。

    Only in this way can we make the vocal music teaching itself can set the artistic , affective , science in one .

  8. 艺术,只有艺术才能通过生活将人们的情感文化和科学文化连接起来,进而迸发出积极地创造热情;并且学会与他人相互尊重、关怀、交流和合作,最终达到共享创造性生活的目的。

    Only by art , can the people 's spirit culture be combined with scientific culture to achieve the goal of co-sharing creative life .

  9. 它可以用来培养学生的科学世界观、科学态度和道德情感、献身科学的精神和爱国主义精神、树立辩证唯物主义的思想观念等。

    Through it we can raise the students ' scientific worldview , scientific attitude and moral emotions , spirits of dedicating themselves to science and patriotism spirit , and we can also set up the idea of dialectical materialism for them .

  10. 在闲暇时间里学生广泛、直接地接触了解社会,参加各种文体活动,从社会文化生活中汲取营养、丰富道德情感,形成科学健康的价值观,从而使身心得到和谐发展。

    In the leisure time , the students widely and directly touched and understudied the society , took part in various amusement activities to got nutrition and enrich moral sentiment , and then formed scientific and health value developed harmoniously the sound mind and body .

  11. 运用理性分析和情感诉求是社会科学研究的重要手段。

    Rational analysis and the appeal for emotions are important means in social science research .

  12. 女性主义所要做的就是打破这种二元划分,并重新强调情感认知等在科学研究中的重要作用。

    What feminist need to do is to break this binary division and a renewed emphasis on emotional awareness in the important role of scientific research .

  13. 爱因斯坦源于终极关怀和价值自觉的宇宙宗教情感,是其科学信念和内心自由的依据,而这正是其科学原创性的价值之源。

    Einstein 's universal religious emotion originating from ultimate concern and value consciousness is the basis of his belief on science and inner freedom , which is just the origin of his scientific originality .

  14. 未来的情感教育只有建立科学合理的情感教育目标体系,形成完整的情感教育链条,挖掘民族文化中丰富的情感教育资源为我所用,才能提高情感教育的效果。

    The effects of emotional education can only be achieved through the establishment of a scientific and rational system , the formation of a complete chain of emotional education , and the use of the abundant national cultural resources .

  15. 新批评区分了文学(情感)语言与科学语言、日常语言,依次提出了伪陈述→构架与肌质→有机结构→多层结构等理论界定。

    New criticism distinguishes between the literary ( emotional ) language from science language and everyday language , and makes one by one the following theoretical definitions : " false statements → framework and texture → the organic structure → multilayer structure " .

  16. 这些研究结果12月12日发表在《情感》杂志的网刊上,研究为查尔斯狄更斯的经典小说《圣诞颂歌》和《双城记》中描绘的富人和穷人间的情感差异提供了科学依据。

    The findings , published online Dec. 12 in the journal Emotion , suggest a scientific basis for emotional differences between the rich and poor that are depicted in such Charles Dickens classics as A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities .

  17. 这些研究结果12月12日发表在《情感》杂志的网刊上,研究为查尔斯•狄更斯的经典小说《圣诞颂歌》和《双城记》中描绘的富人和穷人间的情感差异提供了科学依据。

    The findings , published online Dec. 12 in the journal Emotion , suggest a scientific basis for emotional differences between the rich and poor that are depicted in such Charles Dickens classics as " A Christmas Carol " and " A Tale of Two Cities . "