
qínɡ xìnɡ
  • temperament
情性 [qíng xìng]
  • (1) [natural instincts]∶本性

  • 情性殊异

  • (2) [nature;disposition]∶性格

  • 情性温柔

  • (3) [affection]∶情意

  • 一时情性相感

  1. 论管理的道德性试论情性文化管理

    The Morality of Management Discussion on Management of the Inertia Culture

  2. 吟咏情性&钟嵘诗歌本质论在《诗品》中的地位和作用

    The Role and Status of Zhong Rong 's Poetry Essentialism in Poetry Classified

  3. 试论中国山水画的情性与意境

    On the Mood and Flavour of Chinese Landscape Paintings

  4. 其次是情性问题。

    Then the problem of feelings is followed .

  5. 二程《诗》学情性观是理学与文学思想的交融。

    Their study of Poetry is a combination of Neo - Confucianism and literature .

  6. 性灵,即人的内在情性、心性、灵性。

    Soul , namely the inner feelings of the people , nature , spiritual .

  7. 诗人情性是其诗歌创作中诗史以外的另一面。

    The disposition of poets is another side outside his epics in his poetry creation .

  8. 方东树继承了儒家诗学的吟咏情性说,但又有突破;

    Dongfang Shu not only inherited Confucian poetry disposition , but also made a breakthrough .

  9. 刘勰坚持认为,作品风格是与作家的情性相贯通的。

    Liu Xie insisted that work style is the situation with the writer through the Phase .

  10. 节操意识:庾信后期情性之作主题解读

    Sense of Moral Integrity : Interpretation of the Theme of YU Xin 's Late Emotional Works

  11. 在情性论方面,存在着道德理性主义和自然感性主义两种倾向。

    At the same time , there are two tendences : the moral reason and perceptual natural .

  12. 他有扎实的写实功力,又经常有充满个人情性的挥洒;

    He has well-knit realistical ability , and his works are often accomplished freely with his personal tempermament ;

  13. 《红楼梦》人物红的服饰特征及其情性复义探析

    Probing into Red Clothing Characteristics in A Dream of Red Mansions and Compound Significance of its Sentiment and Nature

  14. 散文美丰富多彩,散文美的核心内容是表现人的情性美;

    The luxuriance of prose is rich and varied , and its key content is manifestation of man 's disposition .

  15. 在动乱的时代里,才性、情性、人性,成为了当时,游于世间的人生密码锁。

    In troubled times , love , humanity , becoming at that time , swim in the world of life lock .

  16. 文道之辨的背后包含着文人对文学的一种普遍的要求,即探索文的独立价值。文的价值就是本于情性,实现文人以文传意的目的。

    Behind " the discrimination between WenTao ", there is a universal claim of scholars for literature , explore the independent value of article .

  17. 书法作为一种表现主体内在情性的线文符号艺术形式,其结构可分为表层结构和深层结构。

    As an artistic form of the lines , the figures and the Chinese characters , calligraphy expresses the innermost feeling of the subjects .

  18. 在此基础上区分了人的感性、情性、智性、德性等不同层面。

    Based on the above distinctions , it differentiates such aspects as the emotion , the sense , the intellect , and the moral of an individual .

  19. 玄学理想人格的特征仍然是儒道兼综,他们希望用道家的自然情性去规范和补充儒家的纲常伦理,并且显示出了把自然情性看作社会和谐、历史前进的真正动力的思想。

    Metaphysicians wish that nature disposition can supplement and adjust Confucian Ethical code , and , they think that nature disposition is the power advancing society and history .

  20. 基于如上价值坐标和条件,尝试探讨了阅读教学以生命情性陶冶学生的基本途径与方法。

    Based on the value coordinate and the condition , this article attempts to discuss the essential way and the method that the reading teaching influences students by the life disposition .

  21. 对道德学科中伦理与道德、理性与情性、德性与德行三重基本关系的研究回归复杂思维范式。

    At the same time we return to the complex thinking paradigm in research of three kinds of relations including ethics and morals , reason and passion , dharma and well doing .

  22. 在文学思想多元发展的情况下,钟嵘以“情性”为基点的诗论思想启发了历代诗论家,成为后世论诗的圭阜。

    In the development of muliti-literary thought , his poetic theory based on feeling enlightened the poetic critics of generations and can be regarded as the standard for the Poetics of later generations .

  23. 谚语的内容具有经验性、哲理性、蕴情性、阶级性和时代性的特征;

    The content of proverb possesses the natures of experience , philosophy , sentiment , class and epoch while its form has features of colloquialism , variability , refining , artistry and nationality .

  24. 如何在科学理性大行其道时坚守对日常生活的凝视,他提出情性说,对现实人生进行审美化践履,从而开启了中国传统诗学现代转换的先声。

    How to stick to science and rationality popular gaze on daily life , his " love " the aesthetic of Fulfillment , which started the Chinese traditional poetics convert the precursor of real life .

  25. 最后指出富有生命情性的阅读教学,应该以悠闲自在的基本姿态和成全自我的生命理想,去追求文本解读的诗意境界。

    Finally this article pointed out that the reading teaching rich in the life disposition should pursue the poetic sentiment boundary of the text explanation by the essential carefree way and completing the self-life ideal .

  26. 这导致了诗歌审美表现的差异:前者重在以理节情,后者重在情性寓理。

    They lead to the difference in the aesthetic expression : the former stresses that the reason control the perceptual feelings , and the later highlight that the reason entrust to the care of the feelings and temper .

  27. 二为悦情性原则,即按照美的规律使形象具有“美”这种本质属性,能激起人们的高尚情感愉悦。

    The second is the pleasing principle , that is , according to the aesthetic rule , to make the images possess the essential quality : beauty , in order to inspire people 's superior social emotional pleasure .

  28. 沉郁文章说是宇文逌文学思想的核心,主张提倡既服务于政治风化又兼顾及吟咏情性,既具社会功利价值又具审美性的文学,主张文学要表达浓郁深厚的情感和深刻的思想。

    Prince You advocates articles should both serve politics to improve folk custom and give attention to feelings disposition , and be the mixture of social value and aesthetic taste . He stresses that literature must express rich deep emotion and profound thought .

  29. 道家崇尚自然美,把完美和谐的自然生态系统看作宇宙的完美生命,把和谐安泰的社会看成人类理想的生存环境,把自适率真的情性看作人自身的完美归宿。

    The Taoist school advocates the natural beauty . It regarded the perfect and harmonious natural ecosystem as the perfect life of the universe , and mankind ideal living environment as harmonious safe and sound society , and people oneself perfect as right forthright .

  30. 情·知教学思想集中体现在课堂教学中实现的认知过程与情性过程的和谐统一,即智力因素与非智力因素的结合,充分体现了马克思主义关于人的全面和谐发展思想。

    Sentiment & knowledge education is mainly embodied in the perfect harmony between cognition process and feeling process realized in the course of classroom teaching , i.e. the combination of intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors , which fully reflects the Marxism idea on human 's complete and harmonious development .