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  1. 口头流传的悦城龙母传说,除了在核心情节与史籍记载的龙母传说保持一致外,已发生很大变异。

    The Yuecheng Dragon Mother Legend which spreads orally has been changed a great deal except the core plot was still consistent with the history records .

  2. 很多老板都喜欢把自己看成是有感召力的领导,如果员工能够反映出这一点来,他们会龙心大悦。悦城龙母信仰的历史、现状与民众心态&悦城龙母信仰研究之一

    Most bosses like to think they are inspirational leaders and are likely to be charmed if their employees seem to reflect that . History , Current Status of Yuecheng Dragon Mother Worship and the Populace Mindset & one of the researches into Yuecheng Dragon Mother Worship