- compassion;pity

[compassion;pity] 见人遭遇不幸而心有所不忍。即同情
I feel this reaction is the result of the inability to feel compassion and empathy for others .
Acting with compassion can also mean being patient and responding in a nonaggressive way , even when you are being provoked .
" Come , said he ," you must have a little pity .
I sympathize with you .
If you haven 't got charity in your heart , you have the worst kind of heart trouble .
Zhu Xi argued that Compassion is feeling and Four Ends are Feeling , and insisted that moral feeling and moral reason are mutual affected .
Friends , it takes a lot of strength to be compassionate , especially when you are up against harshness , cruelty , anger and fear .
In most animals , a serious threat provokes a serious activation of the stimulatory , sympathetic ," fight or flight " side of the stress response .
Others may feel that compassion means giving up everything for someone else , or simply helping people out in times of need such as a natural disaster .
When we focus on clarifying what we observe , feel , need , and want , rather than on diagnosing and judging , we can discover our own compassion .
Some said disability got the prize for him , but what won it was the language , uncorralled and fresh as though the words had never been tried before .
Whenever the sun when the rain stopped , I 'm feeling rich , always at the heart , compassion , looking up at the sky , looking forward to a rainbow !
" Eight years ago , the tragic events of that Tuesday morning inspired Americans to come together in a remarkable spirit of unity and compassion ," said President Barack Obama this week .
The paper discloses six dimensions in Wang Yang-ming 's thought of forming one body & existential theory , induced theory , theory of compassion , theory of family , political theory and theory of correspondence between man and universe .