
  • 网络Chiapas state
  1. 帕伦克是古代玛雅城市,靠近墨西哥恰帕斯州的乌苏马辛塔河(UsumacintaRiver)。

    Palenque is an ancient Maya city near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas .

  2. 周六,墨西哥疾病预防与健康促进部(PreventionandHealthPromotion)副部长巴勃罗·库里·莫拉莱斯(PabloKuriMorales)博士接受电话采访时表示,墨西哥已经诊断出15个兹卡病例,其中10例出现在靠近危地马拉边境的恰帕斯州。

    Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales , Mexico 's undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion , said in a telephone interview on Saturday that Mexico had diagnosed 15 cases of Zika , 10 of them in the state of Chiapas , on the border of Guatemala .

  3. 震波冲击了墨西哥的恰帕斯州(Chiapas)及危地马拉沿海地区,远在600多英里以外的墨西哥城也有震感。

    The quake sent shockwaves through the Mexican state of Chiapas and along the Guatemalan coast , and was felt as far as Mexico City more than 600 miles away .