
  • 【地名】【几内亚】Nzo
  1. 这本书的作者马茨(Mats)和恩佐(Enzo)花了五年时间调查,最终总结出了与上厕所相关的智慧。

    The authors , credited only as Mats and Enzo , spent five years researching this work of lavatory-related genius .

  2. 37岁的Jamison说:能拥有恩佐简直太让人兴奋了,没有什么可以与它相提并论,因为它让每一天都那么与众不同。

    Mr Jamison , 37 , said : Having Enzo is quite amazing . I can 't compare it to anything else because every day is different .

  3. 恩佐很喜欢吃猫粮,不过Jamison先生说,每次恩佐这家伙都会站在与它身形完全不相匹配的餐桌上狼吞虎咽。

    Enzo loves cat food , according to Mr Jamison but insists on gobbling it atop the kitchen table , which he really is too big for .

  4. 37岁的Jamison说:“能拥有恩佐简直太让人兴奋了,没有什么可以与它相提并论,因为它让每一天都那么与众不同。”

    Mr Jamison , 37 , said : " Having Enzo is quite amazing . I can 't compare it to anything else because every day is different . "

  5. 醒来之后,恩佐会跟Jamison看一小会儿电视,之后这俩伙计就开始嬉戏打斗。不过这对南非夫妇也承认,嬉戏时恩佐会失去控制。

    On waking Enzo might watch a spot of TV with Mr Jamison before the pair have a bit of rough and tumble , which the South African admits can get out of hand .

  6. 你一定是著名的恩佐了!

    So you must be the famous Enzo Molinari , huh ?

  7. 这是我的房间恩佐打电话来

    This is , uh , my room . Enzo phoned .

  8. 如果你不把恩佐留在这儿,我就逃走。

    I 'll run away if you don 't keep Enzo here .

  9. 反正最后你总是只有一个人恩佐!

    In the end , you do it alone anyway .

  10. 恩佐,打算怎么花这笔钱?

    Enzo , what you gonna do with the money ?

  11. 恩佐,我该把脚放在哪里?随便

    Enzo , where do I put my feet ? -

  12. 你来自那个世界?恩佐意大利

    And just what world are you from , Enzo ?

  13. 只是和恩佐在听音乐。

    We 're just listening to some music with enzo .

  14. 我跟恩佐一起工作,也被炒了

    I got this job with Enzo . We got fired too .

  15. 好样的,恩佐,很好

    Bravo , Enzo . Magnifico . Bravissimo . Very good , Enzo .

  16. 恩佐,这里很深了

    Enzo , it 's very deep down here .

  17. 就像这些欢乐图片展示的一样,恩佐是这个家庭非常重要的一部分。

    As these hilarious pictures show Enzo is very much part of the family .

  18. 把恩佐留下,把他送到长岛上我们的表兄弟那里去吧。

    Keep Enzo here , send him to hide with out cousins in Long Island .

  19. 不过现在,恩佐很享受作为一只家养大猫的生活。

    For now though , Enzo is happy to just be a very large house cat .

  20. 上次他成绩如何?恩佐

    What was his last time ?

  21. 疯狂的故事…我朋友恩佐的梦想是在道奇体育场上跑垒。

    Well , crazy story -- My friend Enzo 's dream was to run the bases at Dodger stadium .

  22. 在恩佐所有无聊的举动中,它有个十分淘气的爱好&吃沙发。

    For all his tomfoolery , the big cat does have a naughty streak and a penchant for eating sofas .

  23. 恩佐一开场就说他希望1977年继续为法拉利效力,并且问我的条件。

    The Old Man starts by saying he would like me to stay on for1977 and asks what that would involve .

  24. 喝完牛奶,恩佐就在主人的床上或者躺椅上小憩一会儿。

    After that it 's time for a nap , either on the couple 's bed or on the handy chaise longue .

  25. 但是你可以找西西里岛的恩佐•卡佩齐,或者问问洛杉矶的麦考雷我为他做的事。

    But you can call Enzo Capizzi in Sicily , or you can check up on the work I did for Mccauley 's crew in L.A.

  26. 恩佐,一个非常矮、身体强壮的男孩子,把他的手放在他的胸口,几乎流着泪,然而聪明地说。

    Enzo , a very short , strongly built boy , put his hand over his heart and said almost in tears , yet cleverly .

  27. 恩佐售价66万美元,能在不到四秒的时间内加速至每小时60英里,随后达到217英里的最高时速,足以考验任何心脏起搏器的极限。

    The , 000 Enzo can accelerate to60mph in less than four seconds before reaching a top speed of217mph-enough to test any cardiac pacemaker to the limit .

  28. 她将永远也找不到象恩佐一样英俊的丈夫,永远也找不到另外一个带着敬重的爱在私密的地方触摸她身体的男人了。

    She would never get a husband as handsome as Enzo , never find another man who touched her body in secret places with such respectful love .

  29. “约会时如何排便”是约会中上厕所里最为棘手的问题,它成了亚马逊上的热门话题。马茨和恩佐因此以男性为例写下了144页的厕所指南。

    With that in mind Mats and Enzo have been chivalrous enough to write the part of the toilet perpetrator as a male throughout the 144-page guide .

  30. 恩佐在九个月大的时候被这对夫妇买回家,每天大约需要吃掉5公斤肉,一年的时间就长成了庞然大物。

    They bought Enzo as a cute nine-week-old cub but a year later he has grown into a hulk after wolfing down 11lb of meat a day .