
zǒng bù
  • headquarters;head office;parent;general headquarters
总部 [zǒng bù]
  • (1) [general headquarters]∶军队或某些系统的最高领导机关

  • 陆军总部

  • (2) [head office]∶企业总店,企业或活动的管理中心

  • 该公司总部设在纽约市

总部[zǒng bù]
  1. 它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。

    Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters / departments , the services and arms and the military area commands .

  2. 通过本项目建设,构建了一套覆盖公司总部高层、销售部、财务部、各片区区域经理、地区经理、片区财务的营销资源管理系统。

    Through construction of the project , a marketing resource management system which covers general headquarters , sales department , financial department , regional manager , sectional area manager and financial manager is structured .

  3. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

    The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately .

  4. 公司总部设在伦敦。

    The firm 's headquarters is / are in London .

  5. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。

    They decided to base the new company in York .

  6. 总部混入了敌方特务。

    The headquarters had been infiltrated by enemy spies .

  7. 有几家公司总部设在这个地区。

    Several companies have their headquarters in the area .

  8. 公司将总部迁到了斯坦福。

    The company relocated its head office to Stanford .

  9. 都柏林总部已经同意了。

    Headquarters in Dublin has / have agreed .

  10. 我在等待总部的录用审查许可。

    I 'm waiting for clearance from headquarters .

  11. 他们的总部在纽约。

    Their head office is in New York .

  12. 新闻集团的总部设在悉尼。

    News Corporation was headquartered in Sydney .

  13. 他们把总部设在了斯温登。

    They located their headquarters in Swindon .

  14. 通过无线电向总部发出了警报。

    The warning was radioed to headquarters .

  15. 回总部见。

    See you back at HQ .

  16. 公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。

    The company has its base in New York , and branch offices all over the world .

  17. 在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器。

    An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters .

  18. 她知道“飞鹰”总部的确切地点。

    She knew the exact location of The Eagle 's headquarters .

  19. 这份文件先前在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。

    The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations

  20. 欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。

    Europe 's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium

  21. 这则消息在中东总部引起了不安。

    This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters .

  22. 这座大楼是该家族公司的总部。

    The building is the headquarters of the family firm .

  23. 克林顿夫人和顾问聚在总部秘谈。

    Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters .

  24. 我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。

    We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters

  25. 总部位于正西大约30英里处。

    The headquarters is some 30 miles due west .

  26. 其总部很快将从威斯敏斯特迁往格林尼治。

    Its headquarters will soon be relocated from Westminster to the Greenwich site .

  27. 最终,总部大楼四周遍布着死尸。

    By the end , bodies were strewn all round the headquarters building .

  28. 这家新公司总部在德国。

    The infant company was based in Germany .

  29. 农场主在该组织总部外进行了喧闹而和平的抗议。

    The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization

  30. 更详细的情况请致电他们的总部咨询。

    Telephone their head office for more details .