
guài shí lín xún
  • jagged rocks of grotesque shapes
怪石嶙峋[guài shí lín xún]
  1. 莲花山南面是旺龙潭峡谷,这里两侧山峰争高直指,谷深潭幽,怪石嶙峋。

    The peaks at both sides are high and straight ; the valley is deep and quiet , with jagged rocks of grotesque shapes .

  2. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  3. 瀑布在怪石嶙峋的群山间蜿蜒盘旋了840米(2775英尺),方才注入公主湾。

    James Bruce Falls twists and turns through 2755 feet ( 840 meters ) of rocky , folded hills before emptying into the inlet .

  4. 岛屿耸立在港湾里钢铸般平静的海面上,四面都是悬崖绝壁,怪石嶙峋,顶上长满了险峻高大的杉树。

    Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides , reaching to uneven summits , and crowned with austere , soaring firs .

  5. 怪石嶙峋的山峰、草原上的露水、小马温暖的身体、及我们人类,都是一家人。

    The rocky crests , the juices in the meadows , the body heat of the pony , and the man , all belong to the same family .

  6. 从几米之外的海上望去,这些怪石嶙峋的岛屿颇为壮观,但任何旅游项目都必须应对这里地处偏僻以及海上经常波涛汹涌的问题。

    Seen from a few metres offshore , the rocky islands look spectacular – but any tourist venture would have to contend with their remoteness and often rough seas .