
  • 网络situational awareness;situation awareness;NSSA
  1. 在实际的任务分配过程中,UCAV任务分配很大程度上依赖于机载传感器获取的战场态势感知信息。

    In practice , the operation of UCAV targets assignment strongly depends on the situational awareness ( SA ) information achieved by airborne sensors .

  2. 数据集成过程中,利用基于权值的朴素贝叶斯分类方法对承载异构数据的XML文档进行集成,其目标是向态势感知传感器的上层,也就是更高层应用用户提供具有统一格式的数据。

    In the process of data integration , the method of weight based na ? ve Bayes classifier integrates the XMLs contains heterogeneous data , the target of which is to provide uniform format data to higher class user which is higher class of situational awareness sensor .

  3. 基于Eclipse的网络安全态势感知可视化系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Network Situation Awareness Visual System Based on Eclipse

  4. Internet网络的复杂化和潜在大量危险因素促进了网络安全管理迫切的需求和广阔的发展前景,从而也奠定了网络安全态势感知的重要地位。

    The complexity and a large number of potential risks of Internet network promoted the network security management urgent demand and broad prospects for development , and also laid the network security situation awareness of an important position .

  5. 针对防空态势感知信息网络的传感器管理问题,提出了基于多智能体系统(MAS)的多传感器管理体系结构。

    The MAS multi-sensor management system structure is proposed based on the air defense of situation awareness in view of sensor management question .

  6. 无线adhoc网络体系结构的特点使得该网络特别适宜军事战术通信,而无线adhoc网络的组播协议则是实现战术前沿态势感知(SituationAwareness-SA)和指挥控制(Command&Control-C2)数据分发的有效手段。

    Wireless Ah hoc network is specially usable for military tactical communication with the architecture features . The Ad hoc multicast protocol is efficiency means for distributing of situation awareness and command & control data .

  7. 无人战斗机的态势感知模型框架

    A Model Framework of Situation Awareness for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle

  8. 战场感知与认知:网络空间安全态势感知的建立方法

    Dominant battlespace awareness knowledge : the approach to cyberspace situation awareness

  9. 基于免疫的网络安全态势感知关键技术研究

    Research on Network Security Situation Awareness Based on Artificial Immunity System

  10. 网络态势感知系统中异常检测技术的研究

    Research on Technique of Anomaly Detection for Network Situation Awareness System

  11. 利用态势感知知识的决策过程改进模型

    Model of Improving Decision - Making Process with Knowledge of Situation Apperceiving

  12. 网络安全态势感知是态势感知技术在网络中应用的一种。

    Network security situational awareness is a kind of application in situational awareness .

  13. 数字化步兵作战态势感知建模与仿真研究

    Modeling and Simulation of Digitalized Infantry Operational Situation Awareness

  14. 连续变化条件下的态势感知速度模型

    Model of situation awareness velocity under continuous changing situation

  15. 通过一个基于该框架的交通态势感知应用验证了框架的有效性和灵活性。

    The availability and agility of the framework are validated by this application .

  16. 面向网络态势感知的实时网络拓扑发现

    Real-time Network Topology Discovery for Network Situation Awareness

  17. 高效的战场态势感知能力是获取战争决策优势的基础。

    Efficient battlefield situation awareness has become the basis for access to decision-making superiority .

  18. 网络中心战增强了战场空间态势感知能力,将信息优势转换成作战优势。

    NCW enhances the battlespace situational awareness ability and enables Information Superiority in military operations .

  19. 他们训练有素、业务熟练,而且态势感知能力非常高。

    They 're highly trained , highly skilled , their situational awareness is very high .

  20. 并将平面路径规划下无人战斗机战场态势感知模型推广到三维空间。

    At the same time , we spread UCAV apperceive models of plane to space too .

  21. 网络态势感知系统研究综述

    Survey of Network Situation Awareness System

  22. 船只之所以在北极缺乏态势感知能力,是北极自身固有的一些问题所导致的。

    The lack of situational awareness in the Arctic stems from several problems inherent in the Arctic itself .

  23. 红外传感器提供的信息,使驾驶员的态势感知能力大大加强。

    With the information supplied by IR sensor , the situation awareness of pilots can be increased greatly .

  24. 态势感知的概念与发展综述及微纳仿生态势感知系统的顶层设计

    Review on the Concepts and the Development of Situation Awareness and the Top-level Design of the Micro-nano Bionic Situation System

  25. 强大的空间态势感知能力是空间安全、空间资源开发以及确保国家安全的核心能力。

    Space situation awareness capabilities are the core competencies of ensuring national security , space security , and space resource development .

  26. 态势感知任务要求指挥人员协同工作最终达成一致作战意图,因此需要高效的多人协作支持环境。

    Situation awareness tasks require command staff to work together for unanimous operation intent , so effective collaboration environment is in demand .

  27. 由于摄像机具有车内存储和全面的态势感知的功能,所以不允许任何第三方硬件或软件脱离其独立使用。

    Because it includes onboard storage and full situational awareness it requires no third party hardware or software and can stand alone .

  28. 面向服务的数据作为反映网络安全状况的重要数据源之一,对网络安全态势感知的实现有着重要意义。

    As an important data source reflecting the network security situation , the service data source affects the implementation of NSSA significantly .

  29. 设计了一个面向武警总队信息网的安全态势感知系统原型,并对数据采集、设备管理和指标量化三个主要功能模块进行了实现。

    A prototype system of CAPF-NSSA was designed , and realized the mainly function modules that contained situational data acquisition , device management and situational quantization .

  30. 态势感知技术通过对各种影响系统安全性的要素进行融合,评估网络的整体安全状况,并对其发展趋势进行预测。

    Based on the fusion of variety of network security elements , situation awareness technology evaluates security status of the entire network and forecasts its trends .