
  • 网络huaihua;huai hua city;Huaihua city
  1. 从语音向数据的迁移&怀化市535医院城域网设计与实践

    From Voice to Data ── Design of Huaihua 535 Hospital MAN

  2. 中小城市会展旅游业的构建&以怀化市为例

    On Construction of MICE Tourism in a Middle or Small City & Take Huaihua as an Example

  3. 怀化市110kV小水电区域性电网事故失压后快速恢复技术

    The Technology of 110 kV Small Hydroelectric Power Area Network Resumed Soon after It Lost Voltage

  4. 图文信息可视化系统(MFIVS)在山区综合区划中的应用&以湖南怀化市为例

    Applied Study on map and file information visibility system ( mfivs ) in the comprehensive regionalization of mountain area & taking Huaihua City of Hunan Province as an example

  5. 怀化市光缆接入网规划思路

    Planning Trains of Throughts of Huaihua City Optic Fiber Access Network

  6. 怀化市驱治山羊寄生虫的药物筛选试验

    The screening tests of antiparasitic drugs in goat in Huaihua City

  7. 怀化市是湖南省的重点林区。

    Huaihua city is an important forestry area in Hunan province .

  8. 怀化市城市道路行道树种的调查研究

    Investigation on greening tree species along the roads of Huaihua city

  9. 怀化市茶叶产业发展的对策

    Countermeasures of the Development of Tea Industry of Huaihua City

  10. 乡镇图书馆发展喜中堪忧&怀化市乡镇图书馆建设情况调查

    An Investigation on the Rural Library Building of Huaihua City

  11. 怀化市729例小儿肺炎支原体抗体检测报告

    Mycoplasma Pneumonia Sero-epidemiologic Survey in 729 Children in Huaihua City

  12. 怀化市命案调查与思考

    A Study and Thinking on Homicide Cases of Huaihua City

  13. 景观生态学在城市内部形态测度中的应用&以怀化市为例

    Application of Landscape Ecology in the Estimates of Huaihua Urban Internal Morphology

  14. 怀化市中等学校心理咨询工作的误区及超越

    Working Error Area and Surpassing of Psychological Consultation in Huaihua City Middle Schools

  15. 张路指数在怀化市新生儿体格发育评价中的应用

    Applying of Zhang-Lu Index in Evaluating Physical Growth of Neonates in Huaihua City

  16. 怀化市彩叶植物配置现状及应用分析

    Coleus Huaihua City Status and Application of Plant Analysis

  17. 怀化市城区智能交通监控系统网络拓扑方案

    Network Design of Huaihua City Intelligent Traffic Monitor System

  18. 怀化市家族企业产权制度缺陷及创新研究

    Study on the Property System Flaw and Innovation of Family Business in Huaihua

  19. 怀化市171名医用放射作业人员健康状况分析

    Analysis of Health Status of 171 Medical Workers Exposed to Radiation in Huaihua City

  20. 怀化市酸雨污染分析

    Pollution Analysis of Acid Precipitation in Huaihua City

  21. 怀化市大学生营养知识、态度、行为调查

    Investigation on Nutrition knowledge , Attitude , and Practice of University Students in Huaihua

  22. 怀化市2002年和2004年门诊患者支原体感染对比分析

    Contrast Analysis of Mycoplasma Infection of Out-patients in Huaihua City Between 2002 and 2004

  23. 溆浦县位于湖南省西部,怀化市东北部。

    Xupu country lies in the west of Hunan Province , northeast of Huaihua City .

  24. 怀化市城乡建设用地空间合理布局研究

    On Optimizing The Layout Of Space Of The Urban and Rural Construction Land In Huaihua City

  25. 略论怀化市五省边区中心城市建设与发展

    Study on the central city construction and development of the Xiang-Gui-Qian-Yu-E broder areas in Huaihua city

  26. 怀化市具有快速发展成为湘、桂、黔、渝、鄂五省(市、区)中心城市的优越条件。

    Huaihua city possess superiority conditions that it develops rapidly the central city of Xiang-Gui-Qie-Yu-E border area .

  27. 怀化市扶贫开发与贫困地区农民增收研究

    Research on the Issue of Poverty Alleviation and Income of Peasants in Poor Areas of Huaihua City

  28. 怀化市民办中小学教师职业权利的现状调查研究

    On the Status of Teachers ' Professional Rights in Private Primary Schools and Middle Schools in Huaihua City

  29. 生态示范市成为怀化市建设小康社会的绿色通道

    The Model City of Ecology is the Green Path to Construct a Comfortable Society Roundly in Huaihua City

  30. 怀化市信贷结构与经济发展匹配情况的调查与思考

    The investigation and consideration on the situation of the matching of credit structure and economic development of Huaihua city