
kuài mén
  • shutter;drop shutter
快门 [kuài mén]
  • [shutter] 照相机上的一种附件装置,具有各种形式(如旋转式的,可变光阑或焦面快门),通过开、关开孔阑使胶片或感光板曝光

快门[kuài mén]
  1. 对这类相机而言,快门的速度是固定的。

    With this type of camera , the shutter speed is fixed

  2. 这个装置能旋进快门释放按钮。

    This device screws into the shutter release button .

  3. 只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。

    Just point the camera and press the button .

  4. 这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。

    The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed .

  5. 摄影师停止按动快门,匆匆绕过拐角。

    The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner

  6. 按下快门之前有几个地方要检查一下。

    There are a few things you should check before pressing the shutter release .

  7. 这架相机有一个32毫米的镜头,最大孔径为f/4.5,固定快门速度为1/100秒。

    The camera has a 32mm lens with a maximum aperture of f / 4.5 and a fixed shutter speed of 1 / 100sec .

  8. 这架照像机的快门速度达六十分之一秒。

    The camera has a shutter speed of one-sixtieth of a second .

  9. 还是因为按快门这一动作?

    The physical act of the snap ?

  10. 自拍杆一端设有蓝牙按钮,用来同步使用者的智能设备,按下相机快门。

    At the tip of the stick is a Bluetooth button , which can be synced with your device to activate2 the shutter3 on your camera .

  11. 当快门速度设置在B门时,不能用包围式曝光模式。

    The Auto Bracketing mode is not applicable when the shutter speed is set to bulb .

  12. 就这样每次你说“YES”时他都按下快门。

    So every time you say YES they need to push the shutter button .

  13. 基于电子快门实现CCD曝光量无级调节技术

    Technology of stepless adjustment to CCD exposure based on electronic shutter

  14. 关于快门Q开关调Q的一些建议

    Some suggestions on Q - switching by a shutter Q - switch

  15. 当液晶显示E时,快门不能释放。

    The shutter cannot be released when " E " is displayed on the LCD panel .

  16. LS照相机电子程序快门的CAD仿真设计

    The CAD Imitative Design for Programmed Shutter in LS Camera

  17. 介绍了CCD曝光量和电子快门的控制原理;

    The control principles of CCD exposure quantity and electronic shutter are introduced .

  18. 对快门Q开关调Q的分析

    Analysis on Q-switching by a shutter Q-switch

  19. 通过调整不同的快门速度,扩大了CCD的动态范围,从而扩大测温范围。

    This novel method of multi-shutter speed calibration can expand the range of temperature measurement .

  20. CCD摄象机快门及使用技巧

    CCD telecamera shutter and its application technique

  21. CMOS图像传感器中卷帘式快门特性及其应用

    Shutter mode of CMOS image sensor and its application

  22. 全球快门的CDS也大大降低了传感器的定额罚款通知书。

    The global shutter CDS also significantly reduces the sensor 's FPN .

  23. 并通过在不同位置快速测量辐射野,实现X射线主射束、光阑、快门、过滤片、定位装置同轴性的调整。

    The coaxial adjustment of the X-ray beam , aperture and shutter , the filter , positioning device is realized .

  24. 共线型CS2微微秒光学快门

    A collinear CS_2 picosecond optical gating

  25. 频率分辨光学快门的理论研究和LD泵浦Cr:LiSAF蓝光激光器的研究

    Study on Frequency Resolved Optical Gating and LD-pumped Frequency - doubled Cr : LiSAF Laser

  26. 高分辨率双快门模式CMOS图像传感器控制电路的设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of the control circuit for a CMOS imaging sensor with high resolution and dual shutter mode

  27. 你是不是希望iPhone摄像头有个实体快门键?其实这个按键本来就有。

    If you 've ever wished your iPhone camera had a physical shutter button , look no further .

  28. 新模型中从火焰图像转化而来的温度图像不因CCD摄像机镜头尺寸、光圈大小、快门速度等成像参数的改变而发生变化。

    It is shown that this sort of temperature images will not change significantly with the aperture , shutter speed of the camera used .

  29. 建立了一种利用曝光时间测量CCD彩色数码相机光强响应特性的方法,通过调整快门速度获得不同的光强。

    Then a convenient method was put forward to determine the intensity response curves of digital color camera by only adjusting the exposure duration .

  30. 设计了一种具有自动和手动电子快门功能、伽玛系数校正功能和外同步功能的专用CCD摄像机。

    A special CCD camera is designed , which has such functions as manual and automatic electronic shutter ,γ correction , and external synchronization .