
  1. 特点是面包体积要比快速发酵法面包大得多,且发酵风味和香气浓郁。

    The volume of bread is bigger than others , the fermentation flavor and fragrance is very rich and nice .

  2. 过夜种子面团法是吸取二次发酵法和快速发酵法的优点研究而成的一种加工面包的新方法。

    The method of previous night seed dough is a new way on processing bread assimilating the virtues of the two stage fermentation method and fast fermentation method .

  3. 从高精面粉、即发活性干酵母、鲜酵母为试验材料,采用快速发酵法、一次发酵法、二次发酵法和低温发酵法生产主食面包和点心面包。

    High-gluten flour , instant active dry yeast and fresh yeast were used as baking ingredients for making toast and sweet bread by no-time dough method , straight dough method , sponge and dough method respectively .