
  1. 她不是唯一一个我不能忍的人

    She is not the only person I can 't stand .

  2. 我觉得她几乎是这个世界上我唯一不能忍的人

    I think she 's almost the only person in the world I honestly can 't stand .

  3. 不肯夜夜在家孵电视或者陪那些无趣无聊,让他不能忍的人去烧烤,

    and instead of endless nights in watching the telly or going to barbecues with the awful , dreadful , boring people he couldn 't stand ,

  4. 忍怒的人止息纷争。

    But those who are slow to anger calm contention .

  5. 暴怒的人,挑启争端。忍怒的人,止息分争。

    A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension , but a patient man calms a quarrel .

  6. 暴怒的人挑?争端;忍怒的人止息纷争。

    A wrathful man stirreth up strife ; but he who is slow to anger , appeaseth strife .

  7. 所有这些能忍受热的人的相同之处是一种激情和使命感。

    What appears to unite all those who can stand the heat is a passion and a sense of mission .

  8. 箴15:18暴怒的人、挑启争端.忍怒的人、止息分争。他的满腔怒火在咒骂声中渐渐平息。

    A hot-tempered man stirs up strife , But the slow to anger calms a dispute . His fury spent itself in curses .

  9. 来六12使你们不怠惰,反倒效法那些藉著信和恒忍承受应许的人。

    Heb . 6:12 that you may not be sluggish , but imitators of those who through faith and long-suffering are inheriting the promises .