
  • 网络ecg monitor;electrocardiogram monitor
  1. 基于匹配滤波的胎儿心电监护仪的研制

    The development of fetal ECG monitor using match filtering

  2. 自适应胎儿心电监护仪

    Adaptive fetal ECG monitor

  3. 基于ARM的远程实时心电监护仪软件设计实现

    ARM-based for real-time remote ECG monitor software design and implementation

  4. 基于DSP的便携式动态心电监护仪的研制

    Development of a Portable Dynamic State ECG Based on DSP

  5. 基于ARM技术的便携式心电监护仪的设计

    Design of portable ECG monitor based on ARM technology

  6. 基于ARM平台和GPRS网的移动心电监护仪的硬件研制

    The Hardware Research of ECG Mobile Monitor Based on ARM and GPRS Network

  7. 基于USB接口的虚拟心电监护仪设计

    Design of the Virtual ECG Monitor Based USB Interface

  8. 具有USB接口的便携式心电监护仪的设计

    Design of Holter with USB Interface

  9. PRO1000V3型心电监护仪LCD逆变器的升级及注意事项

    LCD DC / AC inverter 's upgrade means and notices for PRO 1000 V3 ECG monitor

  10. 随机式磁偏转CRT字符显示心电监护仪的研制

    The development of microcomputer-based arrhythmia monitor with random magnetic deflection CRT

  11. 目的:设计基于双端口RAM的双单片机便携式心电监护仪,解决心电监护数据传送的瓶颈问题。

    Objective To transmit ECG signals through a portable dual-mcu ECG holter based dual-port RAM .

  12. 心电监护仪使用中的几个共性问题及处理微型生理参数监护仪USB接口的驱动程序

    Several typical problems of ECG monitor application and treatment methods USB Device Driver Implementation Under Micro Physiological Parameter Monitor

  13. 自动分析心电监护仪的QRS复合波检出方法

    The QRS Complexes Detector in Automated Analysis of ECG Monitoring

  14. 基于MSP430的便携式无线心电监护仪的设计

    A Design of a Portable , Wireless ECG Monitor Based on MSP430

  15. 飞利浦A3心电监护仪漫游轮故障排除

    Troubleshooting of Roaming Round for Philips A3 Electrocardiograph Monitor

  16. 介绍了一种用于便携式远程无线心电监护仪的三导联ECG采集电路。

    In this paper , we introduce the design of an electrocardiogram ( ECG ) collecting circuit based on distance-wireless ECG monitor .

  17. 基于ARM7的新型嵌入式心电监护仪的研制

    The Design Of A New Kind of Portable ECG Monitor Based On ARM7

  18. 为了给我们研制的便携式急救心电监护仪配上监视器,实现心电波形的连续、实时显示,我们试用了两种LCD显示模块。

    To display real-time ECG graph continuously for our portable ECG monitor , we tried to use two models of LCD and its controller .

  19. 心电监护仪呼吸电路抗EFT干扰的电磁兼容设计研究

    Development and design of ECG respiratory circuit counteracting EFT interference

  20. 本文叙述了一种采用8098单片机和图形LCD显示器技术而设计的便携式急救心电监护仪。

    This paper describes a portable emergency ECG monitor developed by using the single chip computer 8098 and the liquid crystal graphic display ( LCD ) .

  21. 本课题主要进行基于MSP430超低功耗MCU的便携式心电监护仪及其系统的研究。

    The author is engaged in the studying and manufacturing of portable ECG monitor and it 's system based on MSP430 ultra low power MCU .

  22. 本系统设计了一种基于WLAN的实时心电监护仪,与普通的床头监护系统相比,在数据传输上和监控手段上具有先进性。

    Wireless ECG monitor system is mainly based on WLAN , compared to ordinary bedside monitoring systems , which is advanced in data transmission and control means .

  23. 本文介绍一种字符和波形同屏显示的微机控制心电监护仪,采用磁偏转线圈的CRT,以光栅隔行扫描方式显示字符,以随机扫描方式显示双道记忆波形。

    ABSTRACT This paper introduces a microcomputer-based arrhythmia monitor . The magnetic deflection CRT displays characters by means of interlaced raster scanning and two channels freezing waveforms by random mode .

  24. 心电监护仪首先完成心电信号的采集、放大,并通过对控制芯片MSP430的编程,实现了心电信号的A/D转换、心电数据的存储、心率变化情况的监护等功能。

    ECG Monitor make ECG signal be collected , amplified , and it can realize the A / D conversion of ECG signal , the storage of ECG data , guardianship of heart rate changes functions through controlling the MSP430 .

  25. 心电监护仪维护使用中需要注意的几个问题

    The Problems Concerning the Use and Maintenance of Electro Cardiac Monitors

  26. 多功能便携式心电监护仪的研制

    The Development of a Multifunction and Portable Electrocardio Monitoring Equipment

  27. 对心电监护仪实施强制检定的必要性

    The Necessity of the Mandatory Verification for Electro Cardiac Monitors

  28. 心电图仪用记录图纸基于心电图机的液晶显示心电监护仪

    Chart for electro-cardiograph ECG monitor with liquid crystal display based on ECG

  29. 基于可编程逻辑器件的便携式心电监护仪的设计与实现

    Design and realization of portable ECG monitor based on EPLD

  30. 便携式液晶显示心电监护仪的研制

    Development of a portable ECG monitor with liquid crystal display