
  • 网络Counseling;psychological guidance;Psychological Counseling;counselling;psychotherapy
  1. 团体心理辅导促进BMI指数异常高职生自我概念的实验研究

    The Study on Effect of Improving Self-concept of Higher Vocational School Students with Abnormal BMI by Group Counseling

  2. 首先,FDA担心的是,患者在测试前后都要获得适当的心理辅导。

    There was great concern that the patient receive proper counseling , both before and after the test .

  3. 心理辅导正帮助他面对痛苦。

    Counselling is helping him work through this trauma .

  4. “囚犯”可以使用电视机、笔记本电脑和手机,房间内还有舒适的床,另外“监狱”还提供心理辅导。

    Inmates are allowed televisions , laptops and mobile phones , and the rooms contain a comfortable bed , while psychological support is also available .

  5. 顾问教师计划(TAP)是20世纪80年代出现在美国学校中的一种全新的心理辅导模式。

    Beginning in the 1980s , the Teacher Advisor Program ( TAP ) is an update guidance and counseling model in American schools .

  6. ICD植入后心理辅导治疗是必要的。

    Psychotherapy is necessary for mental symptoms in patients with an ICD implanted .

  7. TAP模式强调学校应以发展性辅导为主,在心理辅导教师指导下充分发挥普通任课教师在心理辅导工作中的作用,通过精心设计与组织心理辅导计划,为全体学生提供系统的心理辅导服务。

    It emphasizes that developmental guidance involves all school personnel and is for all students by developing a well organized , planned and systematic guidance program .

  8. 投资银行瑞银(ubs)开办了压力管理研讨会,提供企业心理辅导,并设立了内部“关怀小组”。

    UBS , the investment bank , runs stress management seminars , offers corporate counselling and has an in-house " care team " .

  9. 实验分为三个组:实验A组接受无意识层面的团体催眠心理辅导,实验B组接受意识层面团体心理辅导,对照组不接受任何形式的干预。

    The experiment is divided into three groups : The participants of A group received hypnosis group psychotherapy of unconsciousness stratification plane . The participants of B group received common psychological intervention of consciousness stratification plane , and then the participants of the control group received nothing .

  10. 智障学生心理辅导的个案分析

    A Case Study of Psychological Tutoring for the Students with MR

  11. 贫困大学生人际交往的团体心理辅导效果

    Effects of group counseling on interpersonal relationship in poverty college students

  12. 高校心理辅导机构建立与管理初探

    On the Establishment and Management for the College Psychology Tutorship Organization

  13. 高校毕业生就业心理辅导模式及其应用

    Mode of Employment Psychological Instruction of University Graduates and Its Application

  14. 论心理辅导与咨询中的价值参与

    On the " Value Participation " in Psychological Guidance and Counseling

  15. 系统式团体心理辅导改善儿童同伴关系的研究

    Systematic Group Counseling Experimental Research on Improving Children 's Peer Relationship

  16. 心理辅导在高校辅导员工作中的应用研究

    Study on Psychological Counseling 's Application in College Assistants ' Work

  17. 发展性小组工作在大学生恋爱心理辅导中的实践研究

    Exploration to the amative mentality of undergraduate Group Social Work LOVE ACADEMY

  18. 手术戒毒患者的心理辅导:个案报告

    Psychological consultation for a patient after dropping-drug operation : A case report

  19. 短程团体心理辅导对大学生心理素质影响的分析

    Effect of Short-time Group Psychological Guidance on Mental Quality of College Students

  20. 大学生心理辅导中面谈技术的运用

    Application of interview techniques in the psychological coaching of undergraduate

  21. 目的通过一项团体心理辅导的实践研究,切实提高大学生心理素质和适应新生活的能力。

    Objective To improve the mental quality of undergraduates by group counselling .

  22. 对学校心理辅导了解程度与心理辅导需要的关系;

    The relationship between the acquaintance levels and counseling needs ;

  23. 建立和完善大学生心理辅导体系探析

    Form and Perfect System of College Students ' Psychological Tutorship

  24. 预防性心理辅导在应对突发事件中的应用

    Application of preventive mental consulting to coping with an emergency

  25. 职业生涯团体心理辅导对女大学生职业决策自我效能的影响研究

    The Effect of Group Career Guidance on Students ' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy

  26. 邀请模式及其对我国学校心理辅导工作的启示

    Invitational Approach and Its Implications for Guidance and Counseling in Chinese Schools

  27. 团体心理辅导对研究生心理健康的影响

    The Effect of Group Counseling on Postgraduates ' Mental Health

  28. 全员参与学生发展性心理辅导研究

    A research on students ' developmental mental guidance with all people involved

  29. 适应心理辅导在高三学生中的应用

    Application of Psychological Consultation in the Third Grade Senior Middle School Students

  30. 心理辅导已成为教师职能的重要组成部分,教师从事心理辅导工作是我国学校心理辅导发展的一种新尝试。

    Mental guidance has become a significant part of teachers ' function .