
xīn línɡ xué
  • parapsychology
  1. 心灵学形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系。

    The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul , the mind , and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body .

  2. 我的冒牌心灵感应学可以瞒骗其他人,但很难混过她这一关。

    My adulteration mind induction study may deceive other people , but is very difficult to mix her pass .

  3. 和合善的价值世界,大体上是依人生价值学、道德价值学、心灵价值学顺序展开的。

    The world of good value is disclosed in the order of life values , moral values and psychological values .

  4. 但真正的发展,可能仍需要等待“心灵感应控制学”的完善。

    But for the real development , we may still need to wait for " telepathy controlled study " becoming perfect .

  5. 个性化震撼型教学模式有利于发挥优势,震撼心灵,激发学道德情感,形成良好的道德行为习惯。

    Personalized shock teaching model is conducive to their advantage , and a searing , stimulate learning and moral emotions , good moral behavior .

  6. 上智的心灵乃仍然有待学之处。

    The wisest mind has something yet to learn .

  7. 运思、联想、想象、心灵建构作为写作学的基本心理学概念,始终是大学写作教学中的瓶颈。

    S : The basic psychology concepts such as thought , association , imagination and inspiration are considered by the author as the bottle neck in the teaching of college writing course .

  8. 心灵存在何以可能?&杜威-米德的心灵发生学探讨

    How is mind 's existence possible ? & on Dewey-Mead 's inquiry into the genesis of mind