
xīn zhì
  • will
心志 [xīn zhì]
  • [will] 志气;心意

  • 苦其心志。--明. 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》

  • 使其心志安。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

心志[xīn zhì]
  1. 人与人之间有心志的高低之分,人与人之间也有能力的大小之别,但人生没法比成功。

    There is a difference of level of will between people and people , people , and people capable size too , unable than succeed in in life .

  2. 受伤害能磨练你的心志,受欺骗能增长你的见识,受遗弃会教你自立的本领,受批评能助长你的智慧。

    Hurt to temper your will , subject to deception can increase your knowledge , be abandoned will teach you the skills , criticized can contribute to your wisdom .

  3. 至少我能心志明了的走出去。

    At least I 'll walk out of herewith a clear conscience .

  4. 心志柔弱就容易被蒙骗!他还活着!

    Weak minds are easily deceived ! He 's alive !

  5. 感谢伤害你的人,因为他磨炼了你的心志!

    Thank hurt you , because he has been honing your mind !

  6. 外观上清晰的或对于心志、感官明显的。

    Clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses .

  7. 你要劳其心志,坚决不要往回看。

    You resist firmly every temptation to look back .

  8. 赐予我力量,使我的心志超于与日常琐事之上。

    Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles .

  9. 是的,我们可能要为此付上代价,但我们若立定心志,神必祝福我们。

    It may cost , but God will bless us as we do it .

  10. 不过你的心志动摇。

    But your mind was shook by something .

  11. 文学作品中,作者常用意象来抒发情感、言明心志。

    In literary works , the authors often use images to express their inner feelings .

  12. 自我牺牲是仆人心志的核心。

    Self-denial is the core of servanthood .

  13. 庄重的人,常受风俗引导,因而心志不移,所以多是情爱甚笃的丈夫;

    Grave natures , led by custom , and therefore constant , are commonly loving husbands ;

  14. 意思就是,专一的心志。

    It means singleness of mind .

  15. 通过仪式或礼拜,他的心志完全投入到更高的意识状态。

    Through ceremony , or puja , he focuses his mind to a higher state of consciousness .

  16. 无论哪一种情况,当你愿意按需要去服事时,你就是在培养仆人的心志。

    Either way , you develop a servant 's heart when you 're willing to do anything needed .

  17. 当人们对待我们如同仆人时,我们如何回应可以检验出自己是否有仆人的心志。

    We can measure our servant 's heart by how we respond when others treat us like servants .

  18. 这一类书籍会闭塞自己的聪明智慧,败坏自己的心志和取向。

    Such books can block my intelligence and wisdom , and will undermine my aspirations and sense of direction .

  19. 天没降大任于我,照样苦我心志,劳我筋骨。

    Day didn 't drop in my case , so bitter I mind , labor I bones and muscles .

  20. 人类知识文明的精致化,残害了人类内在的德性,而教育又淹没了人们的心志。

    Refinement of knowledge of human being hurt innate virtue of human while education covers nature of human being .

  21. 固然认识自己的特色来事奉神十分重要,但有作仆人的心志却更重要。

    While knowing your shape is important for serving God , having the heart of a servant is even more important .

  22. 这一切,与早于他一千多年的杜甫遭遇的相近、心志契合。

    All this , and as early as 1000 in his many years of experience is very similar to Du Fu .

  23. 诗中有画心志高洁&王维山水田园诗《山居秋暝》解读

    Pictures in Poem Noble and Unsullied Aspiration & interpreting landscape pastoral poetry 《 Shan Ju Qiu Ming 》 by Wang Wei

  24. 当神安排有需要的人在你眼前,他乃是给你机会,让你在仆人的心志上成长。

    When God puts someone in need right in front of you , he is giving you the opportunity to grow in servanthood .

  25. 报名资格:信而受洗,重生得救的基督徒。有服事主的心志,愿意顺服领队的带领。

    Qualification : Born again Christian who have been baptized , devoted and faithful participant in church , willingness to submit to leadership .

  26. 其景物描写不再是作家感情、心志的载体,而是一种独立的自然存在;

    Its description of scenery is no longer a carrier of the author 's feelings and mood , but an independent natural existence .

  27. 他的心志坚定丝毫不害怕,他可以沉著地面对仇敌。

    His heart is secure , he will have no fear ; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes .

  28. 只是他心志已定,谁能使他转意呢。他心里所愿的,就行出来。

    But he is in one mind , and who can turn him ? and what his soul desireth , even that he doeth .

  29. 励志畅销书是指激励并指导人们追求成功成才、财富积累和身心平衡等勉励心志的畅销书。

    Inspirational best-sellers are the books which aim to inspire readers to pursue success , accumulate wealth and build a balance of physical and mental .

  30. 为了令家长对学校更有归属感,合唱团更欢迎校友家长继续参与,以延续义工家长为学校服务的心志。

    To deepen the sense of belonging to our school , all PTA members , including our alumni 's parents , are welcome to join the choir .