
  1. 德国新闻来源的国际编辑也包括的英语语言另外的德语糊的深入的特殊报告,网志和摘要正在说。

    Der spiegel-english Language International Edition of the German news source also includes in-depth special reports , weblog and summaries of what the other German papers are saying .

  2. 据德国新闻杂志的最新报道,国安局有一个顶尖黑客小组,他们拦截计算机传送的信息,然后得到本是不可获取的信息。

    The latest comes from a German news magazine that says NSA has a team of elite hackers who intercept computer delivers and " get the ungettable . "

  3. 在这种动态平衡中,日本传统教育观与美国新闻教育理念、德国新闻教育理念产生多次碰撞、冲突。

    In the dynamic balance , there have been existing plenty of contradictions and conflicts between the different educational ideas with Japanese paying special attention on traditions and American and German on journalism .

  4. 本文透过德国新闻传播的法规与自律、新闻内容与趋势、印刷媒介、电子媒介、新技术媒介、媒介整合与经营等诸方面,论述了德国新闻与传媒的现状与发展趋势。

    The article discusses the status quo and development trend of German media through probing into media ′ s aspects such as rules and self-discipline , content and trend , print media , electronic media , new-tech media , integration and marketing .

  5. 德国的新闻监管机构比英国的新闻投诉委员会(PPC)更有权势。

    Germany'spress watchdog is less toothless than Britain 's PressComplaints Commission .

  6. 过去10年,西门子(siemens)、大众汽车(volkswagen)和戴姆勒克莱斯勒(daimlerchrysler)的裁员、董事会纠纷及腐败丑闻占据了德国业界新闻的头条。

    Job cuts , boardroom disputes and corruption scandals at Siemens , Volkswagen and DaimlerChrysler have stolen the headlines of German industry in the past decade .

  7. 德国的新闻与传媒发展

    Development of the press and the media in Germany

  8. 纳粹德国的新闻与宣传

    The Journalism and the Propaganda of the Nazi Germany

  9. 希特勒根据个人对新闻、宣传的理解确立了纳粹党以及纳粹德国的新闻传播体制。

    According to his comprehension about journalism and propaganda , Hitler established the journalism system of the Nazi and the Nazi Germany .

  10. 谷歌在德国的新闻聚合服务可显示原创网站的文章片段和链接,不过谷歌并没有用这种服务卖广告。

    Google does not sell advertising on its German news aggregation service , which displays snippets of articles and links to the originating sites .

  11. 对于希特勒所建立的纳粹德国而言,新闻就是宣传工具。

    For the Nazi Germany that Hitler built up , the journalism was only a tool of the propaganda .

  12. 保罗做决定的过程被德国多家新闻频道直播,但一些评论员们随即对保罗的预测表示了怀疑。保罗出生于英格兰的威茅斯。

    The decision was broadcast live on several news channels in Germany , although commentators immediately over the prediction by Paul , who was born in Weymouth , England .

  13. 德国的主流新闻杂志已经对英国的奥运筹备展开攻击,取笑伦敦的奥运设施,并警告说伦敦奥运会注定会以浸水的大烂摊子之名载入奥运史册。

    Germany 's leading news magazine has launched an attack on Britain 's preparations for the Olympics , poking fun at facilities and warning that the Games are destined to go down in history as a gigantic soggy mess .

  14. 她对这位德国媒体德意志新闻社的记者说:“我觉得男人到30岁时就不会被问及这个问题,所以我现在不会回答这个问题。”

    Accurate . " I really do not think men are asked that question when they turn 30 , " she told the German media outlet Deutsche Presse-Agentur . " So I 'm not going to answer that now . "

  15. 德国的主流新闻杂志已经对英国的奥运筹备展开攻击,取笑伦敦的奥运设施,并警告说伦敦奥运会注定会以“浸水的大烂摊子”之名载入奥运史册。

    Germany 's leading news magazine has launched an attack on Britain 's preparations for the Olympics , poking fun at facilities and warning that the Games are destined to go down in history as a gigantic " soggy mess . "

  16. 媒体上有关他们的新闻都被挤到了不起眼的位置,而关于现代(Hyundai)、起亚(Kia)和德国汽车厂商的新闻却屡屡抢占了头条。

    News of their activities has been pushed to the back pages while Hyundai , Kia , and German automakers dominate the headlines .

  17. 我对德国传来的新闻感到忧虑。

    I am very upset about the news I hear from germany .

  18. 本文意图将德国功能理论与新闻翻译相结合,为该理论在具体新闻翻译中的运用提出建议,从而改变目前新闻翻译单靠经验而缺乏理论指导的局面。

    In current situation , news translation lacks a guiding theory and the translation process mainly depends on translator 's experience .

  19. 德国是一个新闻事业发达的国家,世界上最早的报纸和新闻教育都起源于德国。

    Germany , where the world 's earliest newspaper and news education are originated , is a country with a developed press .

  20. 依据文化相近性原理以及文化的稳定性、独特性特点,日本高等新闻教育选择了德国古典大学的新闻教育理念和模式作为样板。

    According to the principle of cultural proximity and the culture being stable and unique , Japan takes German higher educational idea as its model , following the ideas of journalism as adopted in German classic universities .

  21. 在德国通过法律允许出版商在其文章出现在网络上时,向聚合网站收费之后,谷歌从其新闻产品中删除了许多德国新闻机构的内容,导致部分报纸的网站流量骤减。

    After Germany passed rules that permitted publishers to charge aggregating sites when their articles appeared online , Google removed many German organizations from its news product , which led to a drastic fall in online traffic to some newspapers ' sites .