- microbial contamination

With the development of biotechnology and microbial contamination , detection and discrimination of pathogenic microorganisms using SERS is also increasing .
Results showed microbial contamination on chilled pork varied significantly with season , and microbial control requirements in light of HACCP were not met by present technological treatment .
Results of application of ATP bacterium rapid monitoring system in hot spring water contaminated with microganisms
As a part of MR instrument , MR coil is one of the medical things directly contact patients . Microorganism pollution of MR coil is quite serious .
In hygiene inspects , microbial pollution can be detected through bioluminescence of ATP or molecular hybridization .
After the outbreak of Service Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ) and the emergence of bird flu , the issue of indoor microbe contamination gradually draws widely and highly attentions of scholars all around the world .
But the clinical application of TAT and TIG are limited because anaphylaxis is caused by TAT , blood resource is inadequate , and pathogen contamination is caused by TIG .
The main methods and quality problems of microbe for contaminating UHT-milk are evaluated . Means , relative control methods and preventive measures are suggested in this article .
The wild fruit and vegetable tin was determined by TLC ( Thin layer Chromatography ) method and a comparison was made between TLC method and the microbe check method with microscope , the microbe culture checks method and pH check method .
Surveyed the total number of bacteria , coliform , HBsAg microbiology on the phone handle , button , microphone and earpiece about 360 phones , contaminated different places and different parts of the state of microbial phone calls .
China is still in an initial stage in NF application and needs to strengthen its study on anti organic pollution and anti microbiological pollution membranes and to set up model projects in order to promote the development of NF technology .
Results Micro-bial contamination was under control . Separation of epithelium from underlying connective tissues with 0.40 % Dispase was more complete than that of 0.25 % Dispase .
Looking into the process history of IAQ , it is found that the western countries had experienced particle contamination and high concentration chemical contamination , and now are experiencing low concentration chemical contamination and microbe contamination .
Conclusions The contamination of barreled pure water in use was mainly caused by second contamination of watering troughs . Drinking troughs should be disinfected periodically . Barreled pure water should be used up within 10 days after the cover was opened .
Our country is now still suffering serious high concentration chemical contamination , and the outbreak of SARS in 2003 attaches much importance to microbe contamination , problems caused by secondly contamination of HVAC system are appeared .
Survey of contamination status of food with microorganism in Shenzhen City
Field Study of Microbial Contamination in Central Air Conditioning Cooling Systems
Investigation of Airbone Microbial Content in Tourist Zone , Lushan Mountain
Report of Microorganism Contaminated Test on Part of Food in Market
Examination of microbial contamination of drinking water machine used in hospital
Investigation of Air Bacteria Pollution of Markets in Guangzhou Air Conditioners
Methods of Test Total Number of Contaminative Microorganisms of Fresh-cut Vegetables
Microbiological Pollution and Corrosion of Underwater Tool System of Seawater Hydraulics
Investigation of the microorganism contamination on corpse skin in funeral parlours
The dynamic analysis on microbiological contaminant of barrelled drinking water in Luoyang
Atmospheric microorganism pollution level of Qiqihar City in different month
Air Pollution by Microorganism in Urban Area of Chongqing and Its Evaluation
Study on biofouling of membrane for mannitol extraction by integrated membrane processes
Improvement of the inoculation method in microorganic contaminant determination in fodder samples
Microbial Survey of Bacterial Contamination of Oyster in Xiamen City