
  • 网络penson;Andrew S. Penson
  1. 伊斯特汉博士和彭森博士表示,对待PSA检测出现过两个极端态度,它们都不尽如人意。

    Dr. Eastham and Dr. Penson said there had been two extremes in testing , neither satisfactory .

  2. 李金章副外长和彭森副主任分别就中国外交政策和绿色经济发展问题做演讲。

    Vice For ­ eign Minister Li Jinzhang and Vice Chair ­ man Peng Shen spoke on China 's foreign policy and the development of the green economy respectively .

  3. 彭森博士说,在向人们解释主动监测时,“他们当然会说:‘要是能避免手术和放疗,那感情敢情好。’”

    Dr. Penson said that when active surveillance is explained , " of course men look and say , ' That would be great if I can avoid having surgery or radiation . " "

  4. 彭森博士并没有泛泛地建议反对筛查,相反,他认为更好的应对方法是“智慧地筛查”,即扩大筛查面,降低筛查频率,且更加关注高危人群。

    Rather than issuing a blanket recommendation against screening , Dr. Penson said , it would be better to " screen smarter " by testing most men less often and focusing more on those at high risk .