
  1. 去年各民族领导会见,呼吁展开第二次彬龙会议。

    Ethnic leaders also met last year and called for a second Panglong conference .

  2. 然而,我们不能忽视重大原则,例如‘保持联邦精神’或‘发扬彬龙会议精神’。

    However * we cannot disregard important matters such as keeping up'Union spirit'or the'Panglong spirit ' .

  3. 目前,有些少数民族集团支持召开第二次彬龙会议,也有些民族团体称这个想法为时过早。

    While some ethnic groups are supporting the call to convene a second Panglong Conference , some groups have called the idea premature .

  4. 只有执政的政府参予会议,第二次彬龙会议才能有成果,但是没有迹象表明政府愿意这么做。

    He added that the second Panglong Conference could only be fruitful if the ruling government participated in it , which it had made no signs it would do so .

  5. 原来的‘彬龙会议’是独立前的协议,由民族领导人和苏姬的父亲昂山将军在1948年签订,保证缅甸的少数民族权利。

    The original Panglong conference was a pre-independence agreement signed by ethnic leaders and Suu Kyi 's father , Gen Aung San , that guaranteed the rights of Burma 's ethnic minorities in1948 .

  6. 他说,第二彬龙会议可以在互联网上组织,随后可交流意见送往一个国家一级中央网站进行了讨论。

    He said that the second Panglong conference might be organized around the Internet , with discussions held at the state level which could then be sent to a central website for an exchange of ideas .
