
  • 网络EPS;Sandwich panels
  1. 耐压强和优秀的防火性能,为提高彩钢夹芯板整体的质量起到决定性的作用。

    Compression is strong and excellent fire-safe capability , in order to improve steel sandwich panels overall quality play a decisive role .

  2. 箱式集成房是在工厂标准化制作构件,采用集装箱的形式运输,可以快速组装、拆分,具有移动便捷等功能性的集成房屋,其采用轻钢结构承重,彩钢夹芯板或其他轻质材料为围护。

    Box-housing is integrated housing , the members of which were produced in factories , transported with containers . Box-housing can be quickly assembled , split , and conveniently moved . It bears with light steel structure , and is enveloped with color steel sandwich panels or other lightweight materials .

  3. 预应力片材加固负载RC梁受弯承载力分析彩钢夹芯板受弯承载力模拟试验研究

    Calculation of load-carrying capacity of RC beams externally bonded with prestressed composite laminate under sustaining load Simulate experimental study on bending bearing capacity of the colour steel sandwich panel

  4. HS-SSP彩钢夹芯板工业建筑节能体系研发与应用

    The research and application of energy-saving system of industrial buildings with HS-SSP colored steel sandwich panel

  5. BMF系列彩钢夹芯板生产线是生产彩钢夹芯板的主要设备,彩钢夹芯板强度高,重量轻,坚固耐用,外观美观的一种新型建筑材料。

    BMF series sandwich panel production line is main equipment that is used to produce sandwich panel-a new building materials which has the features as stable , light , solidity and beautiful appearance .

  6. 彩钢夹芯板受弯承载力模拟试验研究

    Simulate experimental study on bending bearing capacity of the colour steel sandwich panel

  7. 彩钢夹芯板屋面与墙面排板的优化设计洁净负压实验室彩钢夹心板围护结构安装技术

    The optimum design of colored steel sandwich panel arrangement in foof and wall erection technology for colored steel sandwich panel enclosure structure of purified negative pressure laboratory

  8. 介绍了彩钢夹芯板的基本材料性能,通过彩钢夹芯板受弯承载力模拟试验,描述了彩钢夹芯板在受弯破坏过程中的变形特点,分析了其抗弯承载破坏的主要控制因素。

    According to the simulate experiment on bending capacity of the colour steel sandwich panel , this paper introduced the material basic capability of the colour steel sandwich panel , described the distortional characteristic and analysed the primary dominative factors when it was bending .

  9. 彩钢瓦、夹芯板制造;承接轻钢房钢结构制作、安装;铝材、钢房配套部件零售。

    Caigang watts , Jiaxinban manufacturing ; Housing structural steelwork over Qinggang production , installation ; Aluminum and steel components of the Housing supporting retail .