
  • 网络stained glass;STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS
  1. 也许Mark会喜欢其他教堂的彩绘玻璃。stainedglass就是“彩绘玻璃”。

    I bet you will like the stained glass in some of the others .

  2. 一道柔和的紫色光芒从彩绘玻璃窗射出来。

    A soft violet light was coming through a stained glass window .

  3. 我在寻找一个可靠的彩绘玻璃窗的批发供应商。

    I am looking for a reliable wholesale supplier of stained glass windows .

  4. 现在他把许多精力投注到自己的爱好上:业余无线电、彩绘玻璃和园艺。

    He is very much the hobbies man now : ham radio , stained glass , gardening .

  5. 我相信彩绘玻璃、水彩绘画和雕塑作品的作者们也将开始在水下展示他们的作品。

    I believe creators of stained glass , water colour paintings and sculptures will also start displaying their works .

  6. 组织者说,他们计划在未来扩大该项目,将彩绘玻璃、水彩绘画以及雕塑也搬到水下。

    Organisers say they plan to expand the project in the future to include stained-glass , water colour paintings as well as sculptures .

  7. 他去掉了诸如十字架和彩绘玻璃这样的直截了当的宗教形象,引入录影带,戏曲和当代音乐等服务,使之生动活泼。

    He removed overtly religious images such as the cross and stained glass . He jazzed up services with videos , drama and contemporary music .

  8. 为了庆祝女王登基60周年,英国上下议院的议员们为女王订制了一块彩绘玻璃窗作为献礼,这块绘有女王盾形纹章的玻璃将被镶嵌在有900年悠久历史的威斯敏斯特大厅里。

    To mark her Diamond Jubilee , MPs and peers have paid for a new stained-glasswindow for the 900-year-old hall , comprising her coat of arms .

  9. 与秋天不同,叶子是金棕色的,像是薄翼的蝙蝠,如同鸟儿一样—我们暂时就叫它们鸟吧—在落日的余晖中,叶子在云层里涌动,太阳照射在这薄翼拉紧似的薄膜上,仿佛透过棕红色的彩绘玻璃。

    They are gold-brown , but not like autumn , rather like thin wings bats when like birds-call them birds-they wheel in clouds against the setting sun , and the sun glows through the stretched membrane of their wings , as through thin , brown-red stained glass .

  10. 论哥特式教堂彩绘镶嵌玻璃窗艺术产生之原因

    On the Cause of Emergence of Stained-Glass Window in Gothic Churches