
  • 【计】formal semantics
  1. 其中操作语义学和指称语义学是形式语义学的两大类别。

    Operational semantics and denotational semantics are two type of formal semantics .

  2. 基于多语言范例的形式语义学教学辅助系统

    Multi-paradigm Based Instruction Assistant System for Formal Semantics Course

  3. 形式语义学的历史渊源和理论框架

    The History and Framework of Formal Semantics

  4. 形式语义学引论操作语义学

    An Introduction to Formal Semantics Operational Semantics

  5. 文章讨论了传统形式语义学理论和篇章表述理论对无定名词词组的语义解释问题。传统形式语义学规定所有无定名词词组都具有量化特征。

    The traditional formal semantics holds that all the indefinite noun phrases should be interpreted as existentially quantified phrases .

  6. 本文探讨计算语言学中语义研究部分如何吸收和借鉴了形式语义学的理论成果。重点讨论这样几个问题:(1)关于语义值的研究;

    This paper studies how and to what degree the semantic module in computational linguistics is influenced by the theories in formal semantics .

  7. 论文在形式语义学的框架下对两种辖域关系进行了形式化描写,凸显了形式语义学的强大解释力。论文共分五章:第一章前言介绍本文的理论框架和语料来源。

    This thesis consists of five chapters : Chapter One gives a brief introduction of the theoretical framework , and the sources of data upon which the study is based .

  8. 由此,可以看出,尽管形式语义学在解释语言结构方面有其独到之处,但离意义的全部内容还相距甚远。

    We can notice from the article that Formal semantics has its own advantage of accounting the structures of language , but it still does not capture everything we know about meaning .

  9. 与形式语义学不同,认知语法认为,意义并不是句子的真值条件,而是与句子有关的概念化过程,在本质上等于概念化或心智经验。

    Different from formal semantics , cognitive grammar suggests that the meaning of a sentence is not its truth-conditions , but the conceptualization related to it , being equal to conceptualization or mental experience in nature .

  10. 基于形式语义学类型论语法的句法语义分析是一种新的思想,引进西方现代逻辑语法学理论却又不拘泥于此,比基于规则的限于句法的分析更适合对汉语进行操作。

    It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic . It introduces western modern logic grammar theory , but it is not limited to this . It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis .

  11. 大学生使用的多数称代形式在内容、语义学及词汇方面均发生了变化。

    A large number of address forms used by college students have got changes in content , semantics and lexis .

  12. 塔尔斯基为真语句所作的实质上适当的、形式上正确的语义学定义,是现代逻辑科学的一大创举。

    The semantic definition that Tarski puts forward for the true sentences , which is materially adequate and formally correct , is one achievement of the modern logical science .

  13. 传统语义学认为自然语言不适合进行形式分析,蒙太古(Montague)等人开创的形式语义学一反传统,提出英语也是形式语言。

    Traditional semantics believes that formal analysis was inapplicable to natural languages . However , Montague , the founder of Formal Semantics , insists that such analysis is possible as English is also a formal language .