
ɡuī zé yuán zé
  • Imputation principle;doctrine of liability fixation
  1. 论合同附随义务违反的归责原则与法律后果

    Study on doctrine of liability fixation and legal effects of violating incidental obligation

  2. 关于道路交通事故损害赔偿归责原则的法律问题研究

    A Research on Doctrine of Liability Fixation of Damages in Road Traffic Accident

  3. 与TRIPS协议相协调,确立我国商标侵权归责原则

    Conforming to TRIPS and establishing the principle of tort liabilities ' contribution in trade mark

  4. 从theDGHarmony案看英美法下海上危险货物托运人归责原则之演进

    An analysis of the principle of imputation for the shipper in respect of dangerous goods shipped by sea in common law countries by way of the DG Harmony case

  5. 归责原则在侵权法中居于重要地位。

    Attribution principles in tort law are in an important position .

  6. 跨国公司环境法律责任的归责原则

    On the Principles of Ascertaining Liabilities in Transnational Corporations Environmental Liabilities

  7. 论违反劳动合同的归责原则

    On the Categories of Responsibility Attached to Breach of Labor Contract

  8. 讨论了附随义务的归责原则和责任的承担方式。

    Discussed criterion of liability and methods of bearing civil liability .

  9. 证券欺诈民事责任归责原则研究

    On Principle of the Rules of Civil Liability for Securities Fraud

  10. 最后,归责原则决定着赔偿范围。

    Finally , the imputation principle determines the scope of compensation .

  11. 第三部分,对共同危险行为的归责原则与责任分配进行研究。

    The third chapter has expounded liability principle of joint danger act .

  12. 国家赔偿归责原则的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of the Criterion of State Compensatory Liability

  13. 一元抑或多元&论合同法归责原则

    Monism or Pluralism & On the Liability Principle of the Contract Law

  14. 民事责任的认定必须遵循一定的归责原则。

    Civil liability that must follow certain principles of liability .

  15. 体育比赛中人身伤害的归责原则

    The liability criterion of personal injury caused by sports competition

  16. 知识产权侵权归责原则的探索与比较研究

    Studies on Principles of Assumed Liability for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights

  17. 其归责原则是过错责任原则,实行过错推定;

    The principle for the liability system is the presumption of fault ;

  18. 经济法责任的归责原则和构成要件

    The principle of responsibility attribution and constitution elements of economic law responsibility

  19. 现代医疗侵权责任归责原则的确立根据

    The Establishment of imputation principle of modern medical tort liability

  20. 归责原则,是指确定侵权行为人承担侵权赔偿责任的一般准则。

    Responsibility principle is to determine violations bear tort liability of general guidelines .

  21. 正文第三部分对高校法律责任的归责原则、构成要件和责任竞合进行分析。

    The third part analyzes the principle between attribution and responsibility and universities .

  22. 该部分主要包括服务责任的归责原则和服务责任的构成要件两个方面。

    It mainly includes liability principle and the elements .

  23. 浅探违约责任归责原则与相关问题

    On the Attribution of Contractual Liability & Related Issues

  24. 论会计法律责任的归责原则

    On the Imputation Principle for Legal Liability in Accounting

  25. 当然国家赔偿法的修改也引起了学者对我国国家赔偿归责原则的争论。

    Also raises the scholars on the principle of State Compensation Liability controversy .

  26. 建筑施工环境污染民事责任归责原则

    The Civil Responsibility of Environmental Pollution in Building Construction

  27. 论知识产权侵权的归责原则

    On the Criterion of Liability of Intellectual Property Infringement

  28. 论刑法中严格责任的归责原则及适用

    Discuss the Imputative Principle and the Implementation of Strict Liability in Criminal Law

  29. 注册会计师对第三人侵权责任归责原则的选择

    On the Choice of Civil Tort Liability of Registered Accountants to Third Parties

  30. 论医疗损害侵权行为归责原则的配置浅议我国侵权责任法之公平责任原则

    On the Principle of Equitable Liability of Tort Liability Act in our Country