
Weng Ling , artistic director of New York 's China Center , met him in Chongqing in 1986 .
Mr Zhang 's comments came at the Berlin annual conference of the International Iron and Steel Institute .
When China reopened its colleges in 1977 , Mr. Zhang was one of only two students in his province admitted to the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing . He was a decade younger than his 20 classmates .
In May , Mr. Zhang sat in a hotel overlooking the vast Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre , which had become a warren of art-filled booths for the region 's major contemporary-art fair , Art HK .
Mr. Zhang still spends his days at his soaring studio in a traditional village on the city 's outskirts . His major collectors include former Swiss ambassador Uli Sigg , Beijing entrepreneur Liu Lan and Chinese-Indonesian farming tycoon Budi Tek .
However , I had an informal discussion with Mr Zhang about various possibilities .
Mr Zhang said table tennis was a key part of the culture at Angang Steel .
During his hiatus from painting , Mr. Zhang is turning to a different medium : bronze .
Mr. Zhang 's friends say he has never felt entirely comfortable in the role of celebrity .
Eventually , Mr. Zhang befriended a former art teacher who taught him the basics of watercolors .
Dozens of recent works of ten well-known artists including Zhang Xiaogang and Mao Xuhui are displayed .
But he said he 's still learning how to navigate the pressures and expectations of the job .
Mr. Zhang said some of his stress has come from his attempts to find his next big idea .
Throughout this series , Zhang focuses on individual fates as embodiments of the collective psychological character of his generation .
Zhang is a vice chairman of the World Steel Association and a member of the China Standardization Expert Committee .
As such , Zhang radically reorders the viewer 's taken for granted notions of portraiture , representation , and subjectivity .
China didn 't have a single privately run art gallery when Mr. Zhang got his start in the early 1980s .
Memory is the central theme of Mr. Zhang 's art - what we choose to remember , forget or distort .
The International Organization for Standardization has elected Zhang Xiaogang as president , making him the first Chinese to assume the post .
Zhang Xiaogang emerged as a leading figure of this new avantgarde through his singular vision and iconic Bloodline : Big Family Series .
The composition is painted in a soft range of grays , and once again Zhang employs a symbolic and mysterious use of color .
The figures are imbued with a feeling for tragedy and nostalgia , suggestive of the unspoken fates of these figures whose lives are yet to unfold .
This question of negotiating personal memories against the collective urge to erase past traumas can be found throughout the works of artist 's of Zhang 's generation .
While Zhang Xiaogang sought images evoking the memories and emotions of collective experience , others , like Fang Lijun , delved into the deeply personal and subjective .
In " a place full of fresh flowers " at the northeastern corner of Beijing , I started to learn painting in the temporary studio of Master Zhang .
Like his contemporaries in the Southwest , Zhang Xiaogang in this period endeavoured to establish a new aesthetic standard and style , to explore the spirit of his era .
Mr Zhang said he thought Angang could gain useful international experience through working with ArcelorMittal , perhaps through both companies taking an equity stake in a stand-alone production venture .
We [ Angang and ArcelorMittal ] can work together . We have similar ideas , Mr Zhang said in an interview at Angang 's headquarters in Anshan , northern China .
The earliest Bloodlines occasionally still depicted particular individuals-as with Zhang 's portraits of his own mother and father or his paintings based on his " 100th day " baby portrait .
Mr Zhang did not want to put a figure on how much the India facility might cost , nor say which other businesses he is talking to about potential collaborations .