
  1. 根据经验,他选择了合适的医疗方案,果然很快便治好了张仪的病。

    So he selected the right medical method according to his experience , and cured Zhang Yi as expected .

  2. 张仪在给秦惠王做国相的时候,背上长了一个大疮。

    When seving as prime1 minister under the King Hui of the state of Qin . Zhang Yi had a carbuncle on his back .

  3. 竘曾经给宣王治疗过痔疮,医术高超,听了张仪这番话,心头的压力一下子就没有了。

    Sheng Gou had cured the carbuncle of King Xuan before , and was a skilful2 doctor . Hearing what Zhang Yi said , the doctor felt no pressure at all .

  4. 张仪又说服韩、赵、燕与秦连横。

    Zhang Yi also convinced Han , Zhao and Yan to have an alliance with Qin .

  5. 张仪说:每次参加学生活动归来,我都会被这种不情愿的社交方式弄得疲惫不堪。

    Every time I come back from student activities I feel completely exhausted from forced socializing , said Zhang .

  6. 策士的代表苏秦、张仪等在产生的时代就被当作反面的教材,加以指责。

    Su Qin representatives policymakers , in the Yi , and other times has been as negative materials to be blamed .

  7. 最后,就该幕墙设计的若干问题进行了讨论。苏秦、张仪纵横说辞探研

    The last , some canvass about the design are presented . A Study of Su Qin and Zhang Yi 's Canvass

  8. 在张仪看来,运动,甚至是社交活动都远不如宅在宿舍玩电脑来得痛快。

    In Zhang 's opinion , sports and even socializing are no better than staying in the dormitory and playing on a computer .

  9. 以苏秦、张仪为代表的纵横家,靠三寸不烂之舌成就了自己的一番事业,对社会、对历史做出了重大的贡献。

    Critics led by Su Qin and Zhang Yi accomplished their own career with their eloquence and made great contributions to society and history .

  10. 为了破坏楚、齐联盟,公元前313年,秦派张仪出使楚国,使楚与齐绝交。

    In 313 B. C. , sending Zhang Yi as an envoy to Chu , Qin succeeded in breaking off relations between Qi and Chu .

  11. 今年20岁的张仪(音译)是一名就读于扬州大学法学专业的大三学生。在过去两年中,除了体育课之外,张仪从未参加过任何体育锻炼。

    In the past two years Zhang Yi , 20 , a junior majoring in law at Yangzhou University , has never been outside for sports except during physical education class .

  12. 成都从战国秦张仪修建成都城开始,至今已有两千多年的历史,并且历朝历代都是西南地区重要的政治经济及军事城市。

    Chengdu has been two thousand years of history from the warring states period when Zhang Yi of Qin dynasty built Chengdu city , and it was southwestern important political , economic and military city in various dynasties .

  13. 张仪也是中国战国时期的政治家和外交家,他的外交思想则形成于中国从奴隶社会向封建社会过渡的战国七雄争霸的历史时期。

    Zhang Yi was also the statesman and diploma in the Period of Warring States in China . His diplomatic thought formed in the historical period of transition from slave society to feudal society , in which seven powerful countries were struggling for hegemony .